Ideas for the online revolution.

Vancouver Election 2011 - Turnout and the Center-Left

In high school I wrote a paper on the Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) a progressive Vancouver municipal political party.

Vancouver has municipal elections every three years. The elections feature a wide variety of political parties. This past election had two major parties (30-50% support), two minor political parties (10-20% support) that got seats, and two completely new "more minor" parties (5-10% support) that didn't get seats.

How to Make Killer Pizza (Vegan or non-Vegan)

For the past year I've been making a lot of pizza and have learned the most important things to do to make a good pizza.

You can go crazy overboard with specifics and spend hundreds of hours perfecting your pizza. If you want to do this, I recommend joining and reading the online forum:

(I made this pizza by heating my old oven to 525, baked it regularly and then broiled for 1-2 minutes at 1 inch away from the broiler's heating elements for extra crisp.)

Exposed: The Secret Elite Faction that Controls Occupy Philly

Over the past two weeks, the level of conflict within Occupy Philadelphia has risen to a new peak.

Occupy Movement: How to Win in the Spring of 2012 Without Using Strategy!

We may still chant "This is what Democracy looks like." But Occupy Philly is looking less and less like a democracy.

Slightly over a month into the Occupy Philly movement, we are losing momentum. Students (and this is a heavily youth movement) are focusing on their studies as the semester ends. The unemployed are probably looking for work. The employed are burning out from working full-time and trying to attend daily General Assemblies.

Resources for Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Together, and the Occupy Movement

I've recently added some resources to that are useful for the Occupation Movement.

Please upload resources (leaflets, posters, tactic suggestions, how to run a general assembly, etc) to

Websites Creating Resources
How To Occupy

Occupy Winning

Occupy Research (research group)

Occupation Movement - Survey Results

There is a group of people doing research on the Occupation Movements:
Occupy Research

I'm collecting survey results. This is what I have so far:

Survey #1
An in person survey of 198 people at Zuccotti Park on Oct 10/11.
NYC Occupation Survey.

Some results
-56% men (whereas activists tend to be 55% women)

Occupy Philadelphia - Day 13 - Update

As of Saturday at 4pm, Julia and I counted 225 tents at Occupy Philadelphia (195 personal tents and 30 work tents/canopies). The media team put out a press release saying 300. We were relatively strict, but we did include two child play tents. A more generous count method would have given 240 tents, but I don't see how they could have reached 250, unless they didn't actually count the tents. Hopefully they aren't intentionally exaggerating.

Occupy Philadelphia - City Hall - October 6

Last night I attended the second General Assembly for Occupy Philadelphia in a united methodist church one block from City Hall.

I was amazed by the energy and number of people. I estimated 850 people at the meeting (and other people have estimated 900-1000+). The Facebook Event had 830 people who said they would come. How is that for accuracy? =)

I've read that there were 300 people at the first General Assembly and 50 people at the planning meeting for the second General Assembly.

There are currently 8100 people in the Occupy Philadelphia Facebook group.

Occupy Colleges

The Occupy Wall Street movement has gone to Occupy Everywhere with occupation projects at possibly 300 locations. And now there is a movement to get students involved with Occupy Colleges. 75+ schools had a walkout today (Oct 5th) and it will get larger. I predict tent cities!

State Student Activist Networks - Do They Work?

Years ago for several months, I tried to serve as the regional coordinator for the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) for Indiana, Michigan and Illinois. I contacted a bunch of people and groups, but the regional network never amounted to that much. Since then, I've seen SEAC (up until several years ago) spend a large amount of time trying to recruit regional coordinators for the entire US and build regional (or state) networks. We used to have a big map of the United States in our office with our 17 regions outlined and stick pins in it for groups and coordinators.

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