This Land is Your Land: Public Lands History, Philosophy, and Controversy

Starting Date: 02-28-2003
Ending Date: 03-02-2003

Rice University, 6100 Main St.
Houston, Texas
United States
One of the largest public lands conferences to take place this year in the US will be held 2/28-3/2 in Houston, TX. we are bringing in speakers such as darryl cherney, co-organizer with judy bari of the Redwood Summer, John Talberth, author of the economic analysis that exposed the economic loss incurred by logging on our national forests, Andy Kerr, activist guru from OR, and others from groups such as the National Forest Protection Alliance, National Public Lands Grazing Campaign, and Mineral Policy Center. attendees are already registered from states around the country.

Public Lands? History, Philosophy, and Controversy
A Three Day Public Lands Conference
Sponsored by:
Rice University, Houston Earth First!, and Live Oak Alliance

Day One, Friday February 28th: 6pm-10pm
History & Ideology of Public Lands
Rice University, TBA

Day Two, Saturday March 1st: 10am-6pm
Analyzing and Addressing Public Lands Issues
Rice University, Ley Student Center

Day Three, Sunday March 2nd: 10am-5pm
Building a Local Movement and Nature Walk
Brazos Bend State Park

This conference will be one of the largest public lands conferences in the United States, with speakers being flown in from around the nation to teach on special topics including: public lands history and valuation, resource extraction, the trend towards privatization, recreation, environmental law, the Bush Administration?s rollbacks on protection of our public lands, Texas public lands, and urban public spaces. The conference will consist of panels, guest speakers, interactive workshops, teach-ins, skill-shares and film showings. The conference is open to the public. come learn from the foremost environmental activists on public lands issues about the problems we need to address, but more importantly come network and train yourself how to confront these problems through legislation, direct action, grassroots organizing, and coalition building.

For more information see the website at
or contact us at

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