Democratic Socialists of America National Convention 2011

Starting Date: 11-11-2011
Ending Date: 11-13-2011

Vienna, Virginia 22182
United States
The 15th biennial convention of Democratic Socialists of America will be held on November 11-13 at the Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner, which is located in the Washington D.C. suburb of Vienna, Va. The convention site is accessible from the District of Columbia by public transportation. The national convention sets the direction for the organization and elects its national political committee.

Convention delegates are selected by DSA local organizations. Members not in locals may run as at-large delegates to the convention. Members are encouraged to begin planning to attend the convention now. The convention registration fee is $195, slightly lower than the 2009 convention fee.

The 2011 convention will consider many important issues including DSA's response to the emergence of an extremist Republican Party far to the right of even the party that nominated McCain and Palin. Theirs is an agenda that would eliminate unions as a political and economic force in the United States and destroy what remains of the progressive gains of the 20th century.

In addition, the convention will be the first major organizational function of our new national director Maria Svart. The three-day convention will provide DSA activists ample opportunity to meet and strategize with the new national director.

A special DSA convention rate of $109 (for a single or a double room) plus 11 percent tax has been arranged for members staying at the Sheraton Premiere. Those flying to the convention should plan on flying into Dulles International Airport rather than to Reagan National Airport. An on-line reservations system will be set up for the national convention on DSA's web site. The room bloc will be held until October, but as the convention is scheduled for the Veterans Day weekend, people are encouraged to make reservations early. The convention rate will be available to delegates arriving early or staying on past the convention. DSA's agreement with the Sheraton Premiere includes several attractive arrangements including inexpensive internet connections and free parking.

The convention includes an outreach meeting that will be held in Washington, D.C. on the evening of November 11th. The convention opens first thing in the morning on November 11th and closes in the afternoon on the 13th. We expect to web cast several convention sessions.

All DSA members are encouraged to begin planning now to attend the convention. Registration for the convention is now open. Click on the menu items to the left. As more information becomes available, this special convention site will provide updated information about the convention schedule, fees, themes, program, as well as confirmed speakers and additional information about convention logistics.
Geographical Scope: National

Young Democratic SocialistsNew York


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