Food Not Condoms- Global

84 Chestnut Dr
Stafford, Virginia 22554
United States
Have you ever heard of an organization called "Food Not Bombs"? Their premise is that the US is spending too much on warfare and the military, specifically on bombs that they sell to 3rd world nations, but they won't even give food to the poorest of poor in those nations, or even the poor within their own borders. So they wage a "peaceful protest" all over the country where they give out free food to all the homeless without the necessary permits to do so. A lot of them get arrested for feeding the poor in this way. The biggest thing they concentrate on is the amount of food waste generated by the US every day. So when they feed the poor, all of it is donated extra food that would otherwise be thrown away from restaurants and grocery stores.

They have a great idea for fighting for social justice. And it got us to thinking about the social justice side of contraception. In Africa, I know the UN has adopted a strict population control policy when it comes to giving aid. In a lot of places people stand in line for hours for food, but unless they take and promise to use a condom, they are denied it. Sometimes it's even shadier where women are bribed into being experimental subjects for birth control companies with the basic necessities of life for their family: a small amount of food and some clean water. Women know that often this is the only way they can get these necessary items, and that the UN or American people who are in charge of the population control agency have plenty, but will not give it out without adherence to their message of contraception. And certainly the most blatant waste of money and energy is spent on sending boatloads of condoms to the shores of Africa, when what these people really need are wells with clean water, food in their stomachs and appropriate health care and housing. We are trying to contracept the entire African people out of our existence because of our arrogance, selfishness and laziness!
So we decided that we could effectively combine the ideas behind "Food Not Bombs" with the notion of social justice in regards to contraception, and "Food Not Condoms" was formed.

Food Not Condoms is going to be a campus event (at the University of Mary Washington this semester because of the time constraint, but next semester we'll do it on other campuses). We will serve free, donated food to the students and have a drum circle playing African Music.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 03-27-2007
Updated on 04-22-2007

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