HomeJoinContactsResourcesEventsIssuesCampaignsEmail ListsAboutBlog GroupsAction Towards Peace - University of ChicagoActivist Student Union, DePaul UniversityAmnesty International-Southern Illinois University EdwardsvilleApollo ProjectAugustana Asian Student OrganizationBarrington Students for the Environment and Animal LifeCampus Greens @ College of DuPageCampus Journalism ProjectCenter for Campus Free SpeechChicago Books to Women in PrisonChicago Global Donors NetworkChicago SDSChicago Student Activist NetworkCOD DemocratsCouncil for Social Activism at the University of St. FrancisCynicism and Hope: ChicagoEducation not Empire CoalitionFinding our RootsFusion, A Columbia College Multicultural Org.Galena Bean RushGay Liberation Network of ChicagoGenewiseGlobal Studies AssociationGRRRL House (gender issues for real revolutionary living)Harrington College Students For A Democratic Society (SDS)HWC Socialist ClubI ResistIllini Global InitiativeIllinois Central College, Students Assoc. for the EnvironmentIllinois Mathematics and Science Academy Lorax Environmental ClubIllinois State - Student Environmental Action CoalitionIllinois State Student Environmental Action CoalitionInterfaith Worker JusticeIrish Freedom CommitteeIts On us Lake Forest College IWU Radical LiberalsKnox College Students for the Ethical Treatment of AnimalsKnox KARESLake Forest Students Against SweatshopsLibertyville YOUth ACTivsim Project Loyola Anti War NetworkLoyola Student Environmental AllianceLoyola University Rainbow ConnectionMexico Solidarity NetworkMidwest AcademyMillikin Student Activist CommitteeMusicians for PeaceNational Lawyers Guild - DePaul College of LawNational Student News ServiceNew Trier's GreenAction ClubNIU Vegetarian Education Group (VEG)Northwestern University Stdents for Ecological and Environmental DevelopmentPeace and Justice Voters ChicagoPeace MuseumPride DePaulProgressive Resource/Action Cooperative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Progressive Student Union of Joliet Junior CollegeProject FreedomProtecting Animals, USAQuincy University Student Action NetworkRoosevelt University Environmental AllianceRootsActionSAIC Student ActivistsSCUPESIUC Student Environmental CenterSolidarityEconomy.netSouthern Illinois University Students for Peace and DemocracyStudent Activism and Advocacy group Student Empowerment Training ProjectStudent Peace Action at UIUCStudent PIRGs (Public Interest Research Groups)Students for Animal Defense (SAD)Students for Animal Defense (SAD) DePaulStudents for Environmental ConcernsStudents for Involement, Activism and ChangeStudents Improving the Lives of AnimalsSustainThe Social CorporationTom Tresser for Cook County Board PresidentUIC Students Concerned About MilitarismUniversity Chicago - Students Organized United with LaborUniversity of Hip HopUnpaid Internships Rally and MarchVOICES: Women Speak of Niles North High SchoolVote FraudYoung Tenth Congressional District DemocratsYouth United for Darfur
Events Christmas Drive for Families of Irish Republican Political Prisoners17th Annual Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed (PTO) Conference2004 Midwest Socialist Conference * Resisting US Empire2006 Midwest Socialist Conf.: Fight the Right! Build the Socialist Alternative!2006 National Hip Hop Political Convention2007 Idealist Campus Conference3rd Biennial Latina/o Studies Graduate Student Conference4th National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference8th Annual National Organizers\' Conference9th Annual Matthew Shepard March for LGBT Freedom“How to Change The World” with Mark Hanis, Genocide Intervention NetworkAction Out Loud! 5 day Youth Advocacy Training CampActivist Summer Study Abroad in MexicoAdvancing Justice Conference 2012: Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities on the RiseAFL-CIO Organizing Institute 3-Day Training for API OrganizersAlliance for Community Media 2012American Monetary Institute 2005 Conference, ChicagoAnti-Columbus/Anti-"Chief" RallyAnti-Racist Action 17th Annual ConferenceBreaking America's Oil Addiction Chicago Summit and Activist TrainingBreaking the Siege of Gaza! Featuring: Flotilla Massacre Eyewitness Kevin Ovenden JUNE 17, ChicagoCampaign to End AIDS Fundraiser at McGee'sCampus Anti-War Network National ConferenceCampus Antiwar Network 2010 National ConferenceCampus Antiwar Network National ConferenceCAN Midwest Regional ConferenceCarol J. Adams "The Sexual Politics of Meat"Center for Popular Economics 2008 Summer InstituteChicago HackmeetingChicago Peace, Jobs, and Justice Unity RallyChicago Rally for DarfurChicago Rally-Fight Government Repression!Chicago Social ForumChicago Tour: The Case for SocialismChicago Training - 'Organizing for Social Change'Chicago Youth Organizing SummitChicago: Grassroots Organizing WeekendChomsky and PropagandaCityspace: The Past of Urban Renewal and the Future of Community DevelopmentCommittee to Stop FBI Repression - National Conference 2011Congress Hotel Strike 1 Year AnniversaryCreating Change 2016 - NGLTFCultivating People\'s ResistanceCynicism and Hope: Reclaiming Discipleship in a Postdemocratic SocietyDemand Liberation Chicago Regional Student Animal Rights ConferenceDemocratizing Education Network - National MeetingDePaul Academic Freedom ConferenceFair Trade Campaigns Conference 2012Fall 2004 Midwest Socialist Conference: Building a Left AlternativeFeminism and Hip Hop - National ConferenceFinding Our Roots 2008: Anarchist Theory ConferenceFinding Our Roots Anarchist Conference 2011Finding Our Roots: Anarchist Theory ConferenceFree Minds, Free People 2013Genetic Engineering Action Network Regional ConfrenceGlobalize this!!!Grassroots Radio Conference 2012Heartland Bioneers Conference 2005Heartwood 2010 Forest CouncilHeartwood Forest Council 2014Here in this Place: Anarchism and Christianity in our Context ConferenceHistoric Mobilization and Carnaval for Farmworker JusticeIllinois Democratic Students MeetingIllinois Sprog \'09Irish Freedom Committee Commemorates 35th Anniversary of Bloody SundayIrish Freedom Committee Easter CommemorationIrish Republican commemoration of the Easter UprisingISR Antiwar Tour: WAR & RESISTANCE: ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLEISR Antiwar Tour: WAR & RESISTANCE: ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLEJason Stuart LectureJustice Conference 2015 : Biblical and Social JusticeJustice Conference 2017Justice Studies Association 14th Annual ConferenceLabor Notes 2014Labor Notes 2016Labor Notes National Conference 2012Latin America Solidarity Coalition 4th Annual Conference: Alternatives to EmpireLegislative Launch PartyLoving Decision Conference 2007: The Next 40 Years of Multiracial CommunitiesMay 1, 2005 - Chicago Social Forum - Another Chicago Is PossibleMidwest Academy \'Organizing for Social Change\' 5- Day Training - ChicagoMidwest Academy 5 Day Training: Organizing for Social Change - Chicago - March 2009Midwest Academy 5 Day Training: Organizing for Social Change in Chicago - August 2009Midwest Academy 5 Day Training: Organizing for Social Change in Chicago - October 2009Midwest Academy 5-day \'Organizing for Social Change\' Training - ChicagoMidwest Academy Workshop for Supervisors of Organizers - Chicago - April 2009Midwest Academy Workshop for Supervisors of Organizers - Chicago - December 2009Midwest Academy Workshop for Supervisors of Organizers - Chicago - February 2009Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference 2008Midwest Campus Antiwar Network Conference - Spring 2006Midwest Global Justice TrainingMidwest Real Food Summit 2011Midwest Regional United Students Against Sweatshops ConferenceMidwest United Students Against Sweatshops GatheringNational Association for Multicultural Education 2011 ConferenceNational Collegiate Peace WeekNational Conference on NonviolenceNational Counter-Recruitment and Demilitarization Conference 2009National Gathering for Youth OrganizingNational Lawyers Guild Annual Convention 2014National Worker Cooperative Conference 2014New class: \'The Artist as Activist\'NO new war on Iran!Northwestern University Conference on Human RightsNuclear Power and Children's HealthNuclear Reality ConferenceOrganizing for Social Change - Midwest Academy Training - ChicagoOrganzing for Social Change Training (5 Day)Pack the House to Send Corinne Pierog to the State SenatePeacemaker Congress XI: Re-imagining Partnerships for PeacemakingPedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed 2015Peirog Campaign LaunchPhysicians for Human Rights National ConferencePierog Campaign LaunchProgressive GalaProtest to drive out the Bush RegimePublic Forum--*The Case For Socialism*Public Hearing with the Nuclear Regulatory ComissionRace, Roots, and Resistance: Revisiting the Legacy of Black Power ConferenceRadioactive Waste Policy National SummitRally Against Torture and Occupation in Iraq - Federal PlazaReal Food Challenge - Strategy Retreat - ChicagoReclaim the Commons Counter-Biotech Convergence in ChicagoResolve 2009 Conference - Students Against HungerRetire NATO, Create Jobs and Fund PeaceRouge Forum 2011 ConferenceSEAC/RAN National Gathering and TrainingSign the petition to Illinois Governor, Rod BlagojevichSo You Want To Run For Local OfficeSocial Justice Training Institute for Students - IL - 2015Socialism 2004 - Ideas to Change the WorldSocialism 2005 - Build the Left AlternativeSocialism 2007: Socialism for the 21st CenturySocialism 2009 - ChicagoSocialism 2010: Ideas for Changing the World-- A weekend of revolutionary politics, debate and entertainmentSocialism 2011: Revolution is in the AirSocialism 2012 ConferenceSocialism 2013Socialism 2014Socialism 2015Socialism 2016Society for the Study of Social Problems 2015Solidarity Benefit for Russian Gay Pride ActivistsSpiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom Training 2008 - ChicagoSPROG - Sierra Student Coalition Summer Training ProgramSSC Summer Organizer Trainings ProgramSt. Patrick\'s Day Parade in St. Charles, ILStudent Anti-Oppression TrainingStudent Peace Action Network National SummitStudents For a Democratic Society National ConferenceSummer Lecture Series - School Funding & Property TaxesThe Fair Trade Futures Conference: Living a Fair Trade LifeThe Jungle, 100 Years Later: A Conference on the Meat IndustryThe Justice Conference 2016Theology and Peace 2015 Theology and Peace 2017Theology and Peace Conference 2010Theology and Peace Conference 2016U.S. Campuses Up For GrabsUnion Organizer training - ChicagoUNITE HERE 2 Day Chicago TrainingUNITE HERE 2 Day Organizing Training - ChicagoUNITE HERE Chicago 2 day Organizing TrainingUNITE! Rally for better sex educationUnited for Peace and Justice 4th National AssemblyUnited Students for Fair Trade - Midwest/Heartland Convergence 2009United Students for Fair Trade National Convergence 2005US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation 8th Annual National Organizers\' ConferenceUS Green Party 2008 ConventionUSAS High School ConferenceUSAS Summer Retreat 2005You Can Make a Difference !!!!!Youth United for Darfur Rally
Schools1st Baptist Church Of Marquett64 Crown Jewish AcademyA B Shepard High Sch (campus)Acacia AcademyAcad St Benedict The AfricanAcademy Of Scholastic AchievemAcademy Of St BenedictAcademy Of St Benedict The AfrAda S Mckinley School South CaAddison Trail High SchoolAdlai E Stevenson High SchoolAkiba Schechter Jewish Day SchAledo High SchoolAll Saints AcademyAll Saints Catholic SchoolAlpine Christian SchoolAltamont Lutheran InterparishAlthoff Catholic High SchoolAlton Sr High SchoolAmboy High SchoolAmos Alonzo Stagg High SchoolAmundsen High SchoolAnna-jonesboro High SchoolAnnunciata SchoolAnnunciation Of B V M SchoolAntioch Comm High SchoolAntonia Pantoja High SchoolAqsa SchoolAquin Central Catholic JuniorArchbishop Romero Catholic SchArcola High SchoolArgenta-oreana High SchoolArgo Community High SchoolArie Crown Hebrew Day SchoolAscension Elementary SchoolAshburn Lutheran SchoolAuburn High SchoolAuburn High SchoolAugustana College, IllinoisAurora Central Catholic H SAurora Christian SchoolAurora East High SchoolAurora UniversityAustin Career Education CenterAustin Community Academy HSAvery Coonley SchoolBais Yaakov High SchoolBaker Demonstration SchoolBarat CollegeBarker AnnexBarrington High SchoolBartlett High SchoolBartlett Learning CenterBatavia Sr High SchoolBeacon Therapeutic SchoolBeardstown Christian AcademyBeardstown Jr/sr High SchoolBelleville Area CollegeBelleville High School-eastBelleville High School-westBelvidere High SchoolBenedictine UniversityBenet AcademyBenton Cons High SchoolBerean Christian SchoolBernard Zell Ansche Emet Day-sBest Practice High SchoolBethany Lutheran SchoolBethel Christian AcademyBethel Lutheran SchoolBethel Lutheran SchoolBethesda Lutheran SchoolBethlehem Lutheran SchoolBethlehem Lutheran SchoolBeverly Montessori SchoolBible Baptist Christian AcadBishop Mcnamara High SchoolBlack Hawk College, KewaneeBlack Hawk College, MolineBlackburn CollegeBlessed Sac O/l/o/l SchoolBlessed SacramentBlessed Sacrament Elem SchoolBlessed Sacrament SchoolBloom High SchoolBloom Trail High SchoolBlooming Grove AcademyBloomington High SchoolBogan Computer Technical HSBolingbrook High SchoolBond Cty Comm Unit 2 High SchoolBowen High SchoolBoylan Central Catholic H SBr. Rice High SchoolBradley UniversityBradley-bourbonnais C High SchoolBrehm Preparatory SchoolBremen High SchoolBrentwood Baptist Christian AcBridgeport Catholic - S CampusBridgeport Catholic AcademyBroadview AcademyBronzeville Alternative AcadBrooks College Prep Academy HSBuffalo Grove High SchoolBureau Valley High SchoolCahokia High SchoolCalumet Career Prep Academy HSCalvary AcademyCalvary AcademyCalvary Baptist AcademyCalvary Baptist AcademyCalvary Baptist Christian AcaCalvary Baptist Christian AcadCalvary Baptist Christian SchCalvary Christian SchoolCalvary Christian SchoolCalvin Christian SchoolCanton High SchoolCarbondale Comm H SCarbondale New SchoolCarl Sandburg CollegeCarl Sandburg High SchoolCarlinville High SchoolCarlyle High SchoolCarmel High SchoolCarmi-white County High SchoolCarol Mary Alyce SchoolCarroll Catholic SchoolCarrollton High SchoolCarterville High SchoolCarver Military Academy HSCary-grove Community High SchoolCasey-westfield High SchoolCathedral Grade SchoolCathedral Of St. Raymond SchooCathedral SchoolCatherine Cook SchoolCatholic Children S Home SpecCentennial High SchoolCentral Catholic High SchoolCentral Comm High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentralia High SchoolCharleston High SchoolChavez Elem Multicultural Acad CtCheder LubavitchCheder Lubavitch Hebrew Ds GirCheder-lubavitch Hebrew Day ScChester High SchoolChiaravalle Montessori SchoolChicago Christian AcademyChicago Christian High SchoolChicago Futabakai Japanese SchChicago HS For Agricult SciencesChicago International CharterChicago Mennonite Learning CtrChicago Military Academy HSChicago S.d.a. AcademyChicago Sda AcademyChicago State UniversityChicago Vocational High SchoolChicago Waldorf SchoolChicago West Side Christian ScChildren Of Peace School/st. CChildrens Center For BehavioraChrist English Evang Luth SchChrist Lutheran High SchoolChrist Lutheran SchoolChrist Lutheran SchoolChrist Lutheran SchoolChrist The King Elem SchoolChrist The King Elem SchoolChrist The King Elem SchoolChrist The King Lutheran SchChrist's AcademyChristian Elementary SchoolChristian Fellowship SchoolChristian Hertiage AcademyChristian Hills Church SchoolChristian Learning CenterChristian Liberty AcademyChristian Life SchoolsCity Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Harry S Truman CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Kennedy-King CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Olive-Harvey CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley CollegeCity Colleges of Chicago-Wilbur Wright CollegeCivic Memorial High SchoolClemente Community Academy HSClinton High SchoolCoal City High SchoolCollege of DuPageCollege of Lake CountyCollege Preparatory School OfCollins High SchoolCollinsville Christian Acd.Collinsville High SchoolColumbia College (IL)Columbia College in Chicago (IL)Columbia High SchoolComm H S Dist 99 - North H SComm H S Dist 99 - South High SchCommunity Chrn Alt AcademyCommunity High SchoolConcord Lutheran SchoolConcordia Lutheran SchoolConcordia Lutheran SchoolConcordia Lutheran SchoolConcordia University (IL)Corliss High SchoolCornerstone Christian AcademyCornerstone Christian SchoolCorpus Christi Elementary SchoCosmopolitan PreparatoryCosta Catholic SchoolCountryside Montessori SchoolCountryside SchoolCovenant Christian SchoolCovenant Christian SchoolCrane Technical Prep Common HSCrete Ev Lutheran SchoolsCrete-monee High SchoolCristo Rey Jesuit High SchoolCross Ev. Lutheran SchoolCrystal Lake Central High SchoolCrystal Lake Montessori SchCrystal Lake South High SchoolCumberland High SchoolCurie Metropolitan High SchoolDakota Jr Sr High SchoolDanville Area Community CollegeDanville Christian AcademyDanville High SchoolDanville Lutheran SchoolDayspring Christian AcademyDaystar Education Assoc.Dd Eisenhower High Sch (campus)De Kalb High SchoolDe La Salle InstituteDecatur Christian SchoolDeer Creek Christian SchoolDeerfield High SchoolDePaul UniversityDivine Infant Jesus SchoolDivine Providence SchoolDivine Savior Elem SchoolDixon High SchoolDominican UniversityDouglass Junior High AcademyDowners Grove Christian SchoolDr Pedro Albizu Campos HsDriscoll Catholic High SchoolDu Sable High SchoolDunbar Vocational Carreer Acad HSDundee-crown High SchoolDunlap High SchoolDupo High SchoolDuquoin High SchoolDwight Baptist AcademyDwight High SchoolDyett High SchoolEagles Wings Urban AcademyEast Alton-wood River High SchEast Leyden High SchoolEast Peoria High SchoolEast Richland High SchoolEast St Louis Senior High SchoolEastern Illinois UniversityEdwards County High SchoolEdwardsville High SchoolEffingham High SchoolEisenhower High SchoolEl Vista Baptist AcademyEldorado High SchoolElgin AcademyElgin Community CollegeElgin High SchoolElim Christian SchoolElizabeth Ann Seton CatholicElizabeth Ann Seton CatholicElk Grove High SchoolElmhurst CollegeElmwood Park High SchoolEmmanuel Christian SchoolEnglewood Technical Prep Acad HSEpiphanyEpiphany SchoolEsperanza Community ServicesEureka CollegeEureka High SchoolEvangelical Christian SchoolEvanston Twp High SchoolEvergreen Park High SchoolEzra Christian SchoolFairfield Comm High SchoolFaith Baptist Christian SchoolFaith Christian Elementary JrFaith Christian SchoolFaith Evang Lutheran SchoolFaith Lutheran SchoolFarmington High SchoolFarragut Career Academy HSFasman Yeshina High SchoolFellowship Christian AcademyFenger Academy High SchoolFenton High SchoolFenwick High SchoolFieldcrest High SchoolFinch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical SchoolFirst Baptist Christian AcadFirst Baptist Christian SchoolFlora High SchoolFlower Career Academy H SForeman High SchoolForest Bluff SchoolForreston High SchoolFoursquare Christian SchoolFox River Christian SchoolFox Valley Lutheran AcademyFrances W Parker SchoolFrankfort High SchoolFreeburg Community High SchoolFreeport High SchoolFulton High SchoolGage Park High SchoolGalesburg Christian Sch AssocGalesburg High SchoolGalva Jr-sr High SchoolGarfield Alternative High SchoGcms High SchoolGeneva Community High SchoolGenoa-kingston High SchoolGeorge Washington High SchoolGeorgetown-ridge Farm High SchoolGibault Catholic High SchoolGillespie High SchoolGlenbard East High SchoolGlenbard North High SchoolGlenbard South High SchoolGlenbard West High SchoolGlenbrook North High SchoolGlenbrook South High SchoolGlenwood High SchoolGlenwood Sch For Boys W CampusGlenwood SchoolGloria Dei Lutheran SchoolGood Shepherd Lutheran SchGood Shepherd Lutheran SchoolGood Shepherd Lutheran SchoolGood Shepherd Lutheran SchoolGood Shepherd SchoolGordon Tech High SchoolGovernor French AcademyGovernors State UniversityGrace Baptist AcademyGrace English Lutheran SchGrace Lutheran SchoolGrace Lutheran SchoolGranite City High SchoolGrant Community High SchoolGrayslake High SchoolGreenville CollegeGuilford High SchoolH L Richards High Sch(campus)HaccHales Franciscan High School IHall High SchoolHamilton Jr Sr High SchoolHampshire High SchoolHancock High SchoolHanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High SHarlan Community Academy HSHarlem High SchoolHarper High SchoolHarrington College of DesignHarrisburg High SchoolHarry D Jacobs High SchoolHartgrove AcademyHarvard High SchoolHarvest Christian SchoolHavana High SchoolHeartland Community CollegeHeritage Christian SchoolHerrin High SchoolHerscher High SchoolHeyworth High SchoolHighland Community College, IllinoisHighland High SchoolHighland Park High SchoolHillcrest High SchoolHillel Torah North Suburban DaHillsboro High SchoolHillside Bethel Christian SchoHinsdale Adventist AcademyHinsdale Central High SchoolHinsdale South High SchoolHirsch Metropolitan High SchoolHoffman Estates High SchoolHoly Angels Elementary SchoolHoly Angels Elementary SchoolHoly Childhood SchoolHoly Cross Elementary SchoolHoly Cross Elementary SchoolHoly Cross High SchoolHoly Cross Lutheran SchoolHoly Cross SchoolHoly FamilyHoly Family Catholic SchoolHoly Family Elementary SchlHoly Family Elementary SchoolHoly Family Lutheran SchHoly Family Parish SchoolHoly Family SchoolHoly Family SchoolHoly Ghost SchoolHoly Ghost SchoolHoly InnocentsHoly Name Of MaryHoly Rosary Elementary SchoolHoly Trinity Elementary SchoolHoly Trinity High SchoolHoly Trinity SchoolHomewood Christian AcademyHomewood-flossmoor High SchoolHononegah High SchoolHoopeston Area High SchoolHope High School - Elem AcademyHubbard High SchoolHumboldt Community Christian SHuntley High SchoolHyde Park Career Academy HSIl Valley Central High SchoolIlliana Christian High SchoolIllini Bluffs High SchoolIllini Central High SchoolIllinois Center For AutismIllinois Central CollegeIllinois CollegeIllinois College of OptometryIllinois Eastern Community Colleges, Frontier Community CollegeIllinois Eastern Community Colleges, Lincoln Trail CollegeIllinois Eastern Community Colleges, Olney Central CollegeIllinois Eastern Community Colleges, Wabash Valley CollegeIllinois State UniversityIllinois Valley Community CollegeIllinois Wesleyan UniversityImmaculate Conception Grade ScImmaculate Conception High SchImmaculate Conception SchoolImmaculate Conception SchoolImmaculate Conception SchoolImmaculate Conception SchoolImmaculate Conception SchoolImmaculate Heart Of Mary H SImmaculate Heart Of Mary SchImmanuel Evang Lutheran SchImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmanuel Lutheran SchoolImmnauel Lutheran SchoolIncarnation Elementary SchoolInfant Jesus Of Prague SchoolIslamic Foundation SchoolJ B Conant High SchoolJ D Darnall Sr High SchoolJ Sterling Morton East High SchJ Sterling Morton West High SchJ.w. James Memorial ChristianJacksonville High SchoolJefferson High SchoolJersey Comm High SchoolJewish Childrens Bureau SchoolJoan Dachs Bais YaakovJoan Dachs Bais Yaakov ElementJohn A. Logan CollegeJohn Hersey High SchoolJohn Wood Community CollegeJohnsburg High SchoolJohnston City High SchoolJoliet Catholic AcademyJoliet Central High SchoolJoliet Christian SchoolJoliet Junior CollegeJoliet West High SchoolJordan Catholic SchoolJosephinum High SchoolJuarez Community Acad High SchoolJudah Christian SchoolJudson College, IllinoisJulian High SchoolKaneland Senior High SchoolKankakee Community CollegeKankakee High SchoolKaskaskia CollegeKawkakee Trinity AcademyKeith Country Day SchoolKelly High SchoolKelvyn Park High SchoolKendall CollegeKennedy High SchoolKenwood Academy High SchoolKewanee High SchoolKeystone Montessori SchoolKiefer SchoolKingswood AcademyKishwaukee CollegeKnox CollegeKnoxville Sr High SchoolKoraes Elementary SchoolKrejci AcademyKrejci AcademyLa Salle-peru Twp High SchoolLake County Baptist SchoolLake Forest AcademyLake Forest CollegeLake Forest Country Day SchLake Forest High SchoolLake Land CollegeLake Park High SchoolLake Shore Catholic AcademyLake Shore SchoolsLake View High SchoolLake Zurich High SchoolLane Technical High SchoolLanphier High SchoolLansing Christian SchoolLarkinLarkin High SchoolLasalle Catholic SchoolLatino Youth Alternative HsLawrence Hall Youth ServicesLawrenceville High SchoolLearning NetworkLemont Twp High SchoolLena-winslow High SchoolLeo Catholic H.s.Lewis & Clark Community CollegeLewis UniversityLiberty Temple Full Gospel AcaLibertyville High SchoolLimestone Community High SchoolLincoln Christian College and SeminaryLincoln CollegeLincoln Comm High SchoolLincoln Land Community CollegeLincoln Park High SchoolLincoln-way Central High SchoolLincoln-way East High SchoolLindblom College Preparatory HSLisle High SchoolLitchfield Senior High SchoolLittle Flower Catholic SchoolLiving Word Christian SchLockport Township High Sch EastLoop Lab SchoolLor. Jon Montessori SchoolLord And Savior Lutheran SchooLourdes High SchoolLoyola AcademyLoyola University (Chicago)Lt Joseph P Kennedy Jr SchoolLubavitch Boy's High SchoolLubavitch Girls High SchoolLuther East High SchoolLuther High School NorthLuther High School SouthLutheran High SchoolLutheran High SchoolLutheran School AssocLutheran School Of St LukeLycee Francais De ChicagoLyons Twp High SchoolMacarthur High SchoolMacMurray CollegeMacomb Senior High SchoolMadrasah Institue Of Islamic EMahomet-seymour High SchoolMaine East High SchoolMaine South High SchoolMaine West High SchoolManley Career Community Acad HSManteno High SchoolManual High SchoolMaranatha Christian SchoolMarengo High SchoolMaria High SchoolMarian Catholic High SchoolMarian Central Catholic H SMarion High SchoolMarissa Jr & Sr High SchoolMarist High SchoolMarmion AcademyMarquette Catholic High SchoolMarquette High SchoolMarquette Manor Baptist AcadMarshall High SchoolMarshall Metropolitan High SchoolMarva Collins Prep SchoolMary Of Nazareth SchoolMary P Moody Christian AcademyMary Queen Of Heaven SchoolMary Seat Of Wisdom SchoolMascoutah High SchoolMassac County High SchoolMater Christi SchoolMater Dei Catholic High SchoolMaternity B V M Elem SchoolMaternity B.v.m. SchoolMather High SchoolMattoon High SchoolMcc Full Time SchoolMccarrell Christian AcademyMchenry East High SchoolMcHenry County CollegeMchenry High School-west CampusMcKendree CollegeMckinley Park CatholicMckinley School-east CampusMeca Elementary Christian AcadMendota Twp High SchoolMeridian Senior High SchoolMessiah Lutheran SchoolMetamora High SchoolMetro-east Luthera High SchoolMetropolitan PreparatoryMetropolitan Primary AcademyMidwest Center Christian AcadeMidwest Central High SchoolMidwestern Christian AcademyMidwestern UniversityMighty God Christian AcademyMillikin UniversityMilton R BrunsonMinooka Community High SchoolMississippi Vly Christian SchMoline Sr High SchoolMomence High SchoolMomtessori Of WoodridgeMonmouth CollegeMonmouth High SchoolMontessori AcademyMontessori Sch Of Lake ForestMonticello High SchoolMontini Catholic H.s.Montini Catholic SchoolMooseheart SchoolsMoraine Valley Community CollegeMorgan Park AcademyMorgan Park High SchoolMorris Community High SchoolMorrison High SchoolMorton CollegeMorton High SchoolMost Holy Redeemer Elem SchoolMother Mcauley Liberal Arts HsMother Theodore Guerin High ScMount Assisi Academy SchoolMount Carmel High SchoolMount Carmel High SchoolMount Vernon High SchoolMt Carmel AcadMt Zion High SchoolMt. Vernon Christian SchoolMuhammad University Of IslamMundelein Cons High SchoolMurphysboro Christian AcademyMurphysboro High SchoolNaperville Central High SchoolNaperville North High SchoolNashville Comm High SchoolNational College of ChiropracticNational-Louis UniversityNativity B V M Elem SchoolNativity Bvm SchoolNazareth AcademyNear North Montessori SchNeuqua Valley High SchoolNew Convent Christian AcademyNew Hebron Christian SchoolNew Horizon Christian SchoolNew Trier Township H S WinnetkaNew Wine Christian SchoolNewman Central Catholic SchoolNewton Comm High SchoolNiles North High SchoolNiles West High SchoolNinos heroesNoble Street Charter High SchoolNokomis High SchoolNoonan Elementary AcademyNormal Community High SchoolNormal Community West High SchoolNorth Boone High SchoolNorth Central CollegeNorth Chicago Community High SchNorth Greene High SchoolNorth Lawndale Charter HSNorth Love ChristianNorth Park Elementary SchoolNorth Park University and Theological SeminaryNorth Shore Country Day SchoolNorth Shore S D A Jr AcdmyNorth Shore SchoolNortheastern Illinois UniversityNorthern Illinois UniversityNorthridge Preparatory SchoolNorthside Catholic AcademyNorthside Catholic AcademyNorthside College Preparatory HSNorthwest AcademyNorthwest Inst For Contemp AcaNorthwest Suburban Christian ANorthwestern UniversityNorwood Park Christian SchoolNotre Dame High School For BoyNotre Dame High School For GirNotre Dame SchoolO Fallon High SchoolOak Forest High SchoolOak Lawn Comm High SchoolOak Park & River Forest High SchOak Park Christian AcademyOakton Community CollegeOkawville Jr/sr High SchoolOlivet Nazarene UniversityOlympia High SchoolOrchard Hill SchoolOregon High SchoolOrion High SchoolOrr Community Academy High SchoolOswego High SchoolOttawa Township High SchoolOur Lady Gate Of Heaven SchlOur Lady Immaculate AcademyOur Lady Of Charity SchoolOur Lady Of Destiny School-souOur Lady Of Good Counsel SchOur Lady Of Grace SchoolOur Lady Of Guadalupe SchoolOur Lady Of Humility SchoolOur Lady Of Knock SchoolOur Lady Of LourdesOur Lady Of Lourdes SchoolOur Lady Of Mercy SchoolOur Lady Of Mt Carmel SchoolOur Lady Of PeaceOur Lady Of Perpetual HelpOur Lady Of Ransom SchoolOur Lady Of Tepayac Elem SchOur Lady Of Tepeyac High SchOur Lady Of The GardensOur Lady Of The Mount SchoolOur Lady Of The Snows SchoolOur Lady Of The Wayside SchOur Lady Of The WestsideOur Lady Of The Westside CathOur Lady Of VictoryOur Lady Queen Of Peace SchoolOur Lady Queen-peace SchoolOur Lady-mount Carmel SchoolOur Savior's Lutheran SchoolOur Saviors Lutheran SchoolOur Saviour Elementary SchoolOur Saviour Lutheran SchoolPalatine High SchoolPana Sr High SchoolParis High SchoolPark View Montessori IncParkland CollegeParks College of Saint Louis UniversityParkview Baptist AcademyParkview Christian AcademyPaxton-buckley-loda High SchoolPayton College Preparatory H SPekin Community High SchoolPeoria Christian SchoolPeoria High SchoolPeoria Notre Dame High SchoolPeotone High SchoolPeru Catholic School SystemPhillips High School AcademyPilgrim Lutheran SchoolPinckneyville Comm High SchoolPittsfield High SchoolPlaid AcademyPlainfield High SchoolPlainfield South High SchoolPlano High SchoolPlato AcademyPleasant Plains High SchoolPontiac Christian SchoolPontiac High SchoolPope John Paul Ii Catholic SchPope John XxiiiPorta High SchoolPrairie Central High SchoolPrairie Ridge High SchoolPrairie State CollegePrince Of Peace SchoolPrinceton Christian AcademyPrinceton High SchoolPrinceville High SchoolPrincipia CollegePrologue Alternative High SchoProspect High SchoolProsser Career Academy HSProtestant Reformed ChristianProvidence Catholic High SchooProvidence St Mel SchoolProviso East High SchoolProviso West High SchoolQueen Of All SaintsQueen Of Angels Elem SchoolQueen Of Apostles SchoolQueen Of Martyrs Elem SchoolQueen Of Peace High SchoolQueen Of The Rosary SchoolQuest AcademyQuincy Notre Dame High SchoolQuincy Sr High SchoolQuincy UniversityRainbow AcademyRantoul Twp High SchoolRavenswood Bapt Christian SchRay College of Design -ChicagoReavis High SchoolRed Bud High SchoolRed Hill High SchoolReed-custer High SchoolRegina Dominican High SchoolRend Lake CollegeResurrection Cath. AcademyResurrection High SchoolRich Central Campus High SchoolRich East Campus High SchoolRich South Campus High SchoolRichards Career Academy HSRichland Community CollegeRichmond-burton High SchoolRichwoods High SchoolRidgewood Baptist AcademyRidgewood Comm High SchoolRiverdale Sr High SchoolRiverside Brookfield Twp HSRiverton High SchoolRobert Morris College, IllinoisRobeson High SchoolRobinson High SchoolRochelle Twp High SchoolRochester High SchoolRock Falls Township High SchoolRock Island High SchoolRock Valley CollegeRockford Christian Elem SchRockford CollegeRockford East High SchoolRockridge High SchoolRolling Meadows High SchoolRomeoville High SchoolRoosevelt High SchoolRoosevelt UniversityRosary College / Dominican UniversityRosary High SchoolRoseland Christian SchoolRound Lake Senior High SchoolRoutt Catholic High SchoolRoxana Sr High SchoolRoycemore SchoolRush UniversityRushville High SchoolS S Faith Hope CharitySacred HeartSacred Heart Elementary SchoolSacred Heart Griffin High SchoSacred Heart SchoolSacred Heart SchoolSacred Heart SchoolSacred Heart SchoolSacred Heart SchoolsSaint Xavier UniversitySalem Christian AcademySalem Christian SchoolSalem Community High SchoolSalem Lutheran SchoolSalem Lutheran SchoolSan Miguel SchoolSandwich Community High SchoolSanta Lucia SchoolSanta Maria Addolorata SchSanta Maria Del Popolo SchSauk Valley Community CollegeSchaumburg Christian SchoolSchaumburg High SchoolSchlarman High SchoolSchool Of St. MarySchurz High SchoolScience And Arts AcademySeneca High SchoolSenn High SchoolSeton AcademySeton Catholic SchoolShawnee Community CollegeShelbyville High SchoolSherrard High SchoolSimeon Career Academy High SchoolSister Thea Bowman Catholic ScSolomon Schechter Day Sch OfmeSomonauk Baptist SchoolSomonauk Jr/sr High SchoolSouth Central Community ServicSouth Shore Community Academy HSSouth Side Baptist SchoolSouth Suburban CollegeSouth Suburban S D A SchoolSoutheastern Illinois CollegeSouthern Illinois University at CarbondaleSouthern Illinois University at EdwardsvilleSouthwest Chicago Christian ScSouthwest Christ Sch-tinley PkSouthwest Christian School-oakSouthwestern High SchoolSpalding High SchoolSparta High SchoolSpectrum SchoolSpoon River CollegeSpringfield High SchoolSpringfield Southeast High SchSs Cyril And MethodiusSs Peter & Paul Elem SchoolSs Peter & Paul Elem SchoolSs Peter And Paul SchoolSs. Peter & Paul SchoolSt Agnes Of Bohemia SchoolSt Agnes SchoolSt Ailbe Catholic SchoolSt Albert The GreatSt Alexander Elementary SchSt Alexander SchoolSt Alexander SchoolSt Aloysius Elementary SchoolSt Alphonsus Liguori SchoolSt Alphonsus SchoolSt Alphonsus St Patrick SchoolSt Ambrose Elementary SchoolSt Anastasia SchoolSt Andrew Elementary SchoolSt Andrew Elementary SchoolSt Andrew Lutheran SchoolSt Andrew The ApostleSt Andrew The Apostle SchoolSt Andrews Lutheran SchoolSt Angela Elementary SchoolSt Ann Elementary SchoolSt Ann Elementary SchoolSt Ann Elementary SchoolSt Anne Elementary SchoolSt Anne Elementary SchoolSt Anne Elementary SchoolSt Anne SchoolSt AnthonySt Anthony Elementary SchoolSt Anthony High SchoolSt Anthony Of Padua Elem SchSt Athanasius Elem SchoolSt Augustine Of Canterbury SchSt BarbaraSt Barbara Elementary SchoolSt Barnabas Elementary SchlSt Bartholomew Elem SchoolSt Beatrice Elementary SchoolSt Bede AcademySt Bede Elementary SchoolSt Bede The Venerable SchoolSt Benedict Elementary SchSt Benedict Elementary SchoolSt Benedict High SchoolSt Bernadette Elem SchoolSt Bernard SchoolSt Bernard SchoolSt Bernardine Elem SchoolSt BonifaceSt Boniface Elementary SchoolSt Bride Elementary SchoolSt Bridget SchoolSt Bruno Catholic SchoolSt Bruno Elementary SchoolSt Cajetan Elementary SchoolSt Camillus SchoolSt Cather. Siena-st Lucy Sch.St Catherine LaboureSt Catherine Of Alexandria SchSt Catherine Of Siena Elem SchSt Celestine Elementary SchSt Charles BoromeaSt Charles Borromeo Catholic SSt Charles East High SchoolSt Charles North High SchoolSt Christina SchoolSt Christopher SchoolSt Clare Of MontefalcoSt Clare SchoolSt Clement Elementary SchoolSt Cletus Elementary SchoolSt Clotilde SchoolSt Colette SchoolSt Columba Elementary SchoolSt Columbanus Elem SchoolSt Constance Elementary SchlSt Cornelius Elementary SchlSt Cyprian Elementary SchoolSt Damian Elementary SchoolSt Daniel The Prophet SchoolSt Denis Elementary SchoolSt Dennis SchoolSt Dominic Elementary SchoolSt Dominic Elementary SchoolSt DomitillaSt Dorothy Elementary SchoolSt Edmund Elementary SchoolSt Edmunds SchoolSt Edward Central Catholic HiSt Edward SchoolSt Edward SchoolSt Elizabeth Elementary SchSt Elizabeth Elementary SchoolSt Emily Elementary SchoolSt Ethelreda Elementary SchlSt Eugene Elementary SchoolSt Eulalia Elementary SchoolSt Felicitas Elementary SchlSt Ferdinand SchoolSt Florian Elementary SchoolSt Frances Cabrini SchoolSt Frances Of Rome SchoolSt Frances SchoolSt Francis Borgia SchoolSt Francis De Sales HsSt Francis De Sales SchoolSt Francis High SchoolSt Francis Holy GhostSt Francis Xavier Elem SchlSt Francis Xavier SchoolSt Gabriel Elementary SchoolSt Gall Elementary SchoolSt GelasiusSt Genevieve Elementary SchSt George SchoolSt Gerald Elementary SchoolSt GermaineSt Gilbert Elementary SchoolSt Gregory High SchoolSt Halena Of The Cross SchoolSt Helen Elementary SchoolSt Henry Elementary SchoolSt Hilary Elementary SchoolSt Hubert Elementary SchoolSt Hyacinth Elementary SchlSt Ignatius College Prep SchSt Irene Elementary SchoolSt Isaac Jogues Elem SchoolSt IsidoreSt Isidores Catholic SchoolSt JamesSt James Elementary SchoolSt James Elementary SchoolSt James Elementary SchoolSt James Lutheran SchoolSt James Lutheran SchoolSt James SchoolSt James SchoolSt James SchoolSt James SchoolSt James The ApostleSt Jane De Chantal SchoolSt Jerome SchoolSt Joan Of ArcSt Joan Of Arc Elem SchoolSt John -babtist Catho Elem ScSt John Berchmans SchoolSt John Brebeuf SchoolSt John Dela SalleSt John Fisher Elem SchoolSt John Lutheran SchSt John Lutheran SchSt John Lutheran SchoolSt John Lutheran SchoolSt John Lutheran SchoolSt John Lutheran SchoolSt John Lutheran SchoolSt John Neumann Catholic SchooSt John Of The Cross Parish ScSt John The Baptist Catholic SSt John The Baptist Elem. SchSt John The Baptist SchoolSt John The Baptist SchoolSt John The Evangelist CatholiSt John The Evangelist SchoolSt John Vianney SchoolSt John's LutheranSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt Johns Lutheran SchoolSt JosephSt JosephSt JosephSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph Elementary SchoolSt Joseph High SchoolSt Joseph SchoolSt Joseph SchoolSt Joseph SchoolSt Joseph SchoolSt Joseph-ogden High SchoolSt Joseph's CarondeletSt Josephs SchoolSt Jude SchoolSt Jude SchoolSt JulianaSt Kevin SchoolSt KieranSt LadislausSt Lambert Elementary SchoolSt LaurenceSt Laurence Elementary SchoolSt Lawrence O Toole SchoolSt Leonard SchoolSt LiboriusSt Linus Elementary SchoolSt Louis Catholic SchoolSt Louis De Montfort SchoolSt Louis SchoolSt Louise De Marillac SchoolSt Luke AcademySt Luke Elementary SchoolSt Malachy Elementary SchoolSt Malachy SchoolSt Margaret Mary Catholic SchoSt Margaret Mary Elem SchoolSt Margaret Of Scotland SchSt Maria GorettiSt Mark Elementary SchoolSt Mark Lutheran SchoolSt Mark SchoolSt Marks Lutheran SchoolSt Martin Of ToursSt Mary Elem & JhsSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Elementary SchoolSt Mary Immaculate Parish SchoSt Mary Magdalene Elem SchoolSt Mary Of Czestochowa SchSt Mary Of Gostyn Elem SchoolSt Mary Of The Angels SchoolSt Mary Of The Lake SchoolSt Mary Of The Woods SchoolSt Mary S SchoolSt Mary SchoolSt Mary SchoolSt Mary SchoolSt Mary Star Of The Sea SchoolSt Mary's Catholic SchoolSt Mary's Nativity SchoolSt MarysSt Marys Catholic SchoolSt Marys Elementary SchoolSt Marys Parish SchoolSt Marys SchoolSt Marys SchoolSt Marys SchoolSt Marys SchoolSt Marys School Community CathSt MatthewSt Matthew Elementary SchoolSt Matthew Lutheran SchoolSt Matthews SchoolSt Matthias SchoolSt MichaelSt Michael Elementary SchoolSt Michael Elementary SchoolSt Michael Elementary SchoolSt Michael Elementary SchoolSt Michael SchoolSt Michael The Archangel SchooSt Monica SchoolSt Nicholas Cathedral SchoolSt Nicholas Of Tolentine SchSt NorbertSt Norbert SchoolSt Odilo Elementary SchoolSt Pascal SchoolSt Patricia Elementary SchoolSt Patrick AcademySt Patrick Elementary SchoolSt Patrick Grade SchoolSt Patrick Grade SchoolSt Patrick High SchoolSt Patrick SchoolSt Patrick SchoolSt Patrick SchoolSt Patrick SchoolSt Paul Catholic SchoolSt Paul Grade SchoolSt Paul Lutheran AcademySt Paul Lutheran SchSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Lutheran SchoolSt Paul Of The Cross SchoolSt Paul Our Lady Of VilnaSt Paul SchoolSt Paul The Apostle SchoolSt Paul's Lutheran SchoolSt Pauls Lutheran SchoolSt Pauls Lutheran SchoolSt Pauls Lutheran SchoolSt Pauls Lutheran SchoolSt Peter CathedralSt Peter Catholic SchoolSt Peter Elementary SchoolSt Peter Elementary SchoolSt Peter Elementary SchoolSt Peter Lutheran SchoolSt Peter Lutheran SchoolSt Peter Lutheran SchoolSt Peter Lutheran SchoolSt Peter SchoolSt Peter The ApostleSt Peter's Lutheran SchoolSt Petronille SchoolSt Philip Lutheran SchSt Philip Neri Elem SchoolSt Philip The ApostleSt Philip The Apostle SchoolSt Philomena SchoolSt Philomena SchoolSt Pius VSt Pius X Elementary SchoolSt Priscilla Elementary SchlSt ProcopiusSt Raphael Elementary SchoolSt Raymond Elementary SchoolSt Rene Goupil Elem SchoolSt Richard Elementary SchoolSt RitaSt Rita High SchoolSt Rita Of Cascia SchoolSt Robert Bellarmine SchoolSt Rose SchoolSt Sabina AcademySt Scholastica AcademySt Scholastica Elem SchoolSt Simon The ApostleSt Stanislaus Bishop And MartySt Stanislaus Bishop Martyr ScSt Stephen SchoolSt Sylvester Elementary SchlSt Symphorosa Elem SchoolSt Tarcissus Elementary SchoolSt Teresa Catholic SchoolSt Teresa High SchoolSt Thaddeus SchoolSt Thecla Elementary SchoolSt Theresa Elementary SchoolSt Theresa Of Avila SchoolSt Therese Elementary SchoolSt Therese Of JesusSt Thomas Elementary SchoolSt Thomas Elementary SchoolSt Thomas More Elem SchoolSt Thomas More Elem SchoolSt Thomas Of CanterburySt Thomas Of Villanova SchSt Thomas The ApostleSt Thomas The Apostle Elem SchSt Thomas The Apostle SchoolSt TuribiusSt Viator Elementary SchoolSt Viator High SchoolSt Victor SchoolSt Vincent De Paul SchoolSt Vincent Ferrer Elem SchSt WalterSt Walter SchoolSt William Elementary SchoolSt Zachary Elementary SchoolStark County High SchoolState Community College of East St. LouisStaunton High SchoolSteinmetz Academic Centre HSSterling Christian SchoolSterling High SchoolStillman Valley High SchoolStone Church Christian AcademyStreamwood High SchoolStreator Twp High SchoolSts Patrick And Teresa SchoolSts Peter And Paul SchoolSullivan High SchoolSullivan High SchoolSullivan House SchoolSummit AcademySummit SchoolSycamore High SchoolTaft High SchoolTaylorville Sr High SchoolTelshe High SchoolTemple Christian AcademyTeutopolis High SchoolThe Achievement CenterThe Ancona SchoolThe Chicago Academy For The ArThe Cove SchoolThe Day SchoolThe Frances Xavier Warde SchooThe H. S. Of Saint Thomas MoreThe Harvard SchoolThe Latin School Of ChicagoThe Mill SchoolThe Promise Christian AcademyThe Ranch SchoolThe Skylight SchoolThe Willows AcademyThornridge High SchoolThornton Fractnl No High SchoolThornton Fractnl So High SchoolThornton Township High SchoolThornwood High SchoolTilden Career Communty Academy HSTimothy Christian Grade/middleTimothy Christian High SchoolTimothy Lutheran SchoolTinley Park High SchoolTransfiguration Elem SchoolTransfiguration SchoolTremont High SchoolTri County Christian SchoolTri-state Christian SchoolTriad High SchoolTrico Senior High SchoolTrinity Christian CollegeTrinity College -DeerfieldTrinity High SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity Lutheran SchoolTrinity St Paul Lutheran SchooTrinity-st John Lutheran SchooTriton CollegeTrue Vine Christian AcademyTuscola High SchoolUcp Reedswood SchoolUhlich AcademyUnited Twp High SchoolUnity Christian SchoolUnity Christian SchoolUnity High SchoolUniv Of Chicago Lab SchUniversal SchoolUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at SpringfieldUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Saint FrancisUrbana High SchoolVandalia Community High SchoolVernon Hills High SchoolVictor J Andrew High SchoolVienna High SchoolVision Way Christian SchoolVisitation Catholic SchoolVisitation Elementary SchoolVisitation Elementary SchoolVon Steuben Metro Science Ctr HSWalther Lutheran High SchoolWarren Township High SchoolWarrensburg-latham High SchoolWashington Comm High SchoolWaterloo High SchoolWatseka Comm High SchoolWaubonsee Community CollegeWaubonsie Valley High SchoolWauconda Comm High SchoolWaukegan High SchoolWells Community Academy HSWesclin Sr High SchoolWest Leyden High SchoolWest Senior High SchoolWest Town AcademyWestern Illinois UniversityWestfair Christian AcademyWestinghouse Career Academy HSWestlake Christian AcademyWestminster Christian SchoolWestmont High SchoolWestville High SchoolWheaton AcademyWheaton Christian Grammar SchWheaton College, IllinoisWheaton North High SchoolWheaton Warrenville South H SWheeling High SchoolWhite Pines AcademyWilliam Jones College PrepWilliam Rainey Harper CollegeWilliamsville High SchoolWillowbrook High SchoolWilmington High SchoolWinnebago High SchoolWm Fremd High SchoolWoodlands Academy Of The SacreWoodruff High SchoolWoodstock Christian SchoolWoodstock High SchoolYeshiva Shearis YisroelYeshivas Tiferes TzviYork Comm High SchoolYorkville High SchoolYoung Magnet High SchoolYoung Womens Leadership Chrtr SchYouth Connections Charter HSZion Christian SchoolZion Lutheran Grade SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion Lutheran SchoolZion-benton Twnshp Hi Sch