Browse Resources

Long Description
Facilitation and Consensus Workshop OutlineAn outline for my one hour participatory workshop designed to teach good facilitation process and good consensus process. Critiques/comments welcome.1621001-15-2004
Antiterrorism Legislation and Academic FreedomInformational flyer on how the USA PATRIOT Act and other antiterrorism legislation infringes on academic freedom.1616008-05-2004
Living Wage Campaign Case Study - Colorado CollegePrivate college with no unions. In-depth. 16 pages. 2003. 1616010-01-2005
SAFER's Activist Resource CenterThe Activist Resource Center is SAFER's free online library covering every topic you need for a successful sexual assault policy reform movement at your campus! The ARC is always growing, so be sure t1616012-16-2009
Investing in Progressive Leadership Development: Building aIn order to secure a lasting victory in the battle for America's future, it is essential for progressives to identify, empower and sustain the active engagement of the next generation of leaders. You1615011-19-2006
2009 Brower Youth Awards: accepting applications for $3,000The Brower Youth Awards just launched the 2009 prize search for outstanding grassroots environmental leaders. We’re looking for individuals ages 13-22 who are changing the world. Six Brower Yout1615001-01-2009
Join WRC Leaflet IIBy Notre Dame PSA.1612004-02-2002
Team Types ActivityTeam types is a straightforward tool for participants to learn about themselves through identifying themselves within four different categories. These four types each represent different aspects of h1612007-10-2007
Sweatshop Sit-Ins PaperMasters thesis on student participation in anti-sweatshop sit-ins at eight universities in 1999 and 2000. Heavy on statistics, but also includes useful findings for those planning to do a sit-in. What1611011-25-2002
How to Abolish WarGlobal Action to Prevent War is a comprehensive project for making armed conflict increasingly rare. Step-by-step, Global Action would establish a comprehensive world security system composed of 1610011-08-2005
Iraq War for Democracy???An article about why U.S. leaders have no intention of making Iraq democratic, because they don't even want the U.S. to be democratic.1607012-07-2002
20 Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention- IranA fact sheet by the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran. 2007. 6 pages.1607011-20-2007
Radicalizing Students : A Case StudyAn example of how Earlham students were empowered to take an active role in deciding who runs the college. By Daniel Hunter. 4 pages. 1606005-04-2004
Basic tampaction flyerThis is a very basic tampaction flyer. i've found it effective merely for the minimal effect and the shock effect. (word format)1604005-13-2004
Media Training Notes and ManualMedia Training Notes and Manual. Prepared by Luke Giribon. April 1998.1594007-10-2007
The Landmine Factory Next Door--Exposing the Mil/Ind ComplexInformation on several weapons manufacturers located throughout WI, including the Un. of WI-Madison. Produced by the UW Infoshop in conjunction with the Corporate A1593001-16-2004
How to use documentaries to promote activismThis article is focused on helping trainers and educators who use socially relevant documentaries to teach history and the social sciences, motivate activists to redress wrong doing and/or challenge c1589012-09-2004
Debt Resistors Operations ManualThis operations manual—written by an anonymous collective of resistors, defaulters and allies from Strike Debt and Occupy Wall Street—is for all those being crushed under the weight of debt. It1586011-16-2012
Prisons: A New Form of Environmental RacismArgues that prisons are a new form of environmental racism. By Critical Resistance. 4 pages.1582005-05-2004
Confronting Racism in CommunitiesConfronting Racism in Communities : Guidelines and Resources for Anti-Racism Training Workshops. By David Hollinsworth, Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care and Centre for Multicultural and Communi1580007-10-2007
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Number of results: 568