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Why Students Should Care About the FTAAOne page fact sheet by the AFL-CIO.1781011-06-2003
Why should my corporation carry healthy menstrual products?This is a bulleted list to give to bookstore managers/people in charge that have reasons why they would want to carry the menstrual products we want them to carry 1395011-08-2004
Why Do Soldiers Die for Their Country?Why do people fight? Who benefits? 2 pages.3893011-12-2004
Who Cares About Collectives?Leaflet on why/how to form collectives. 2 pages.1195011-12-2004
Whither Hampshire College?Liberal Corporation or Radical Collective? A historical essay on Hampshire College written around 1970. Should our schools be democratic?1516309-19-2002
Whistleblowers: Standing up For Academic FreedomRead about academics who have gone above and beyond—risking smear campaigns and reprisals—to protect and promote research in the public interest. Resisting the creep of corporatization i1466008-31-2004
What's up with dioxin and tampons?This summarizes first what the FDA says about dioxins and tampons, and second, what they won't tell you. Also contains links to FDA and other helpful documents addressing the issue of dioxin in tampon1752003-02-2005
What We're In For: Projected Economic Impact of the Next ReThis report uses the past three recessions of the early 1980s, early 1990s and early 2000s to project the effects of a recession in 2008. The report finds that such a recession would result in a signi1379001-30-2008
What To Do If You Don't Want To Be DraftedFAQ's and information about the choices available to young people and health care workers potentially faced with a draft1550003-09-2005
What is to be Done?Note: this is actually a CRITICISM of Leninism, not Lenin's book of the same name (written exactly a century earlier.) Well worth reading for an understanding of how we might recuperate the traditiona3389009-22-2003
What is Genetically Engineered Food? Why Should You Care?Flyer on GE Foods, great to pass out at events or outside grocery stores in a public area2613003-16-2005
What is Direct Action?Anarchist perspective on direct action. 2 pages.1574011-12-2004
What is Democratic Socialism? 10 Questions & AnswersA resource (pdf) for those who want to find out more about democratic socialism and the Young Democratic Socialists. www.ydsusa.org2014012-10-2003
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They ToldWeapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They Told to Sell Their War. By Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and Emily Goldstein, Campus Antiwar Network. Eight page leaflet.1531005-04-2004
We are all just one race.The Human Genome Project and associated geneticists have proven there is no such thing as race. This essay explains how white people evolved their pale skin from their black ancestors.1558001-01-2003
War on TerrorismAn article that exposes how the "War on Terrorism" is not really that at all, but is rather an effort by corporate and government elites to control ordinary people who want a more equal and democratic1404012-07-2002
War and the Economy - Workshop MaterialsWar & the Economy Too Many Guns, Not Enough Butter. By United for Fair Economy. 2004.6808011-19-2006
Vison Gallery - ExerciseTo stretch people's imaginations in envisioning the kind of society they would like to create, going beyond vague values to specific features. 1338007-10-2007
Video Camera Tips Training ManualA seven page guide on how to use a video camera to cover protests. By Ruckus.1650005-04-2004
Victoria's Dirty Secret Tour FlyerThe Victoria's Dirty Secret Campus Tour is making stops at colleges and universities across the country. Use this flyer to promote the tour to your group, other campus groups, or other local schools.1481002-17-2005
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Number of results: 568