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Participant AgreementsThese nine agreements are guidelines to help you participate in ways that carry out the Peaceful Model of human relationships. By Bill Moyer. 1998.1286007-10-2007
Safeguarding Your Group from AttackYour group could come under attack. For example: - Damaging allegations are reported in the media. - A disaffected member destroys vital files. - Core funding is suddenly withdrawn. - A key me1320007-10-2007
Strategic Questioning ManualI have been working on the concept of strategic questioning for some time1 as a way of facilitating "dynamic" listening. I also call this an experiment in the developing field of communication theory1507007-10-2007
Tactic AnalysisUse this exercise to analyze the effectiveness/usefulness of a given tactic. Adapted by Daniel Hunter, Training for Change from a design by Shari Silverstein, Quixote Center .1409007-10-2007
Strategising for Change - Workshop ResourcesThese Campaign Strategy resources were developed by the Change Agency and Training for Change for workshops held in Australian cities during 2005 and 2006. 51 pages.1861007-10-2007
Team Types ActivityTeam types is a straightforward tool for participants to learn about themselves through identifying themselves within four different categories. These four types each represent different aspects of h1609007-10-2007
Vison Gallery - ExerciseTo stretch people's imaginations in envisioning the kind of society they would like to create, going beyond vague values to specific features. 1337007-10-2007
Working With Volunteers - ExerciseIt's an excercise. 1998.1900007-10-2007
UNC Disorientation Guide 2006Over the spring and summer of 2006, 3Cs (Counter Cartographies Collective) worked in collaboration with other campus and community groups to produce the first disOrientation map to UNC. Designed for i3634007-16-2007
Economic Paradigm Transformation MapThs map is a model for how to shift the economic paradigm from one that is head centered to one that is heart centered. There are 4 levels this is done at, the inner individual, the outer individual, 1363008-17-2007
New flyer with concerns about LaRoucheWe at PRA are deeply concerned about the inroads that the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) is making on campuses, with youth more generally, and within the anti-war, anti-Bush movements. His is a1370009-14-2007
OxFam soccer game to illustrate Fair Trade principalsUse this quick soccer game developed by OxFam to demonstrate and teach Fair Trade principals. Include discussion guide and questions.1557009-18-2007
A Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 - 2006An Incomplete Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 – 2006. By Josh Sonnenfield. 40 pages.2803011-20-2007
Fair Trade Chocolate Action PacketA How-To Guide That Shows What You Can Do to Promote Fair Trade for Cocoa Farmers. By Global Exchange. 45 pages 20031365011-20-2007
E-book on overcoming procrastination and writers' blockThe Little Guide To Beating Procrastination, Perfectionism and Blocks: a Manual For Artists, Activists, Entrepreneurs, Academics and Other Ambitious Dreamers covers the causes of procrastination and 1423001-13-2008
New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for PractitionersNew Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners book. Created by the New Tactics Project. Visit their site to purchase the book or get their other useful resources 40347001-22-2008
Tactical MappingA collection of tactical mapping resources from Available in English, French, and Spanish.15821001-22-2008
Action Theatre: Initiating ChangesThe use of theatre to motivate a community to take action - a case study from Bangladesh. A Tactical Notebook published by the New Tactics Project of the Center for Victims of Torture. Ne1413001-22-2008
A Call To End Corruption: One Minute of Darkness for ConstanA tactic used by 30 million people in Turkey to protest government corruption. From
Testing for Discrimination: Identifying and Prosecuting HumaThis tactical notebook focuses on the successful transplanting to Hungary of “testing,” a tactic developed in the antidiscrimination movement in the United States. In testing, an advocacy orga1324001-22-2008
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Number of results: 568