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Differences in Facilitating Small and Large GroupsA short comparison of how to deal with large and small groups. For instance how to deal with a working group (or committee) versus a General Assembly.1255011-06-2011
Developing Relationships With ReportersHow to work with reporters to get your message across. By The Spin Project. 4 pages. 2006. www.spinproject.org1285010-13-2006
Developing a Policy InitiativeIt’s not enough to simply react to issues with demands and counter demands. At some point, if we are serious about building community power, we must shape and initiate public policy. Below are basic1371010-13-2006
Democratic Socialists of America Organizing ManualA resource for community organizing. By the Democratic Socialists of America. 27 pages.2332004-16-2014
Democratic National StructureSuggestions for a Democratic Structure for National Student Organizations. Essay by Aaron Kreider. 3 pages.1449001-14-2003
Democracy HandbookAn extensive collection of suggestions for improving the consensus decision-making process within a group. It includes many useful diagrams, procedures and lists.1934009-10-2002
Demilitarization Guide for Youth and StudentsThe Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste: A Guide to the Demilitarization of America's Youth & Students." Also called the 1985402-27-2005
Deliberate Differences: Progressive and Conservative CampusToday’s common wisdom is that conservative students are more effective on campuses than progressives, since conservative organizations provide more financial support and organizational assistance1966011-19-2006
Declaration of Independence from Dirty EnergyRead and sign the Declaration at: This bold new Declaration of Independence was written by a broad spectrum of youth and has been endorsed b1893010-13-2004
Decision Making StructuresOne page fact sheet on differing decision making structures including no structure, majority, hierarchy, unanimity, and consensus.1564009-19-2003
Debt Resistors Operations ManualThis operations manual—written by an anonymous collective of resistors, defaulters and allies from Strike Debt and Occupy Wall Street—is for all those being crushed under the weight of debt. It1584011-16-2012
Day of SilenceFact sheet on how to organizing a day of silence to protest discrimination against queers. by United States Student Association. 10 pages.1555001-14-2003
Davis-Putter ScholarshipsATTENTION STUDENT ACTIVISTS! Are you organizing for progressive social change? Leading student movements on your campus or in your community? If so, read on. The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund 1889002-15-2011
Cutting the IssueSome activist organisations find the idea of ‘cutting the issue’ a helpful way to translate a daunting and complex problem into one or more ‘bite-sized’ issues where they can realistically co1532007-10-2007
Cultivating the Web: High Tech Tools for the Sustainable Foo37 pages By 20081377012-12-2008
CSUMB's Otter 2010 Disorientation GuideDisorientation guide for California State University - Monterey Bay. 16 pages. 2010.1175004-12-2011
Crossing Substances For Common Interest - Case StudyAn Examination of the Movement Against Targeted Alcohol and Tobacco Marketing And Its Implications for Public Health Coalitions. By Themba and Robinson. 1997. 23 pages.1458010-13-2006
Critique of "Facing History"A critique of the "Facing History and Ourseleves" curriculum which shows how this curriculum's main resource text channels students' positive opposition to bigotry into an elitist view of ordinary peo1479012-07-2002
Critical Path Analysis - WorkshopCampaigns don’t win all at once – they win through taking successful steps. Being able to break down the steps towards winning is a key skill for successful strategizing. This tool gives particip1730007-10-2007
Creating Participatory EventsUseful ideas for getting beyond the traditional conference format and both increasing democracy and the conference's effectiveness. By Aspiration Tech. 24 pages1286007-02-2008
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Number of results: 568