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Campus Free Thought Org. GuideCampus Free Thought Alliance Group Organizing Guide. 70 pages.1517001-14-2003
Democratic National StructureSuggestions for a Democratic Structure for National Student Organizations. Essay by Aaron Kreider. 3 pages.1449001-14-2003
Drinking Age Act Leg. Ana.A legislative analysis of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984.5261501-19-2003
National Student Strike FlyerA color PDF flyer for disrtributing locally around the March 5th National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs. See for details.1183001-30-2003
Genocidal genetic weaponsGenocidal weapons seek to selectively kill ethnic groups by targeting their DNA. Gene therapy can be turned around to develop these weapons. Legal issues are also discussed.1382002-06-2003
End Campus Complicity with WarTwo page essay on ending your school's support for war by challenging the CIA, FBI, military recruiters, ROTC, and military research. By Aaron Kreider.1999402-12-2003
Young America ProjectDo you want to be heard? Print this flyer detailing the Young America Project, a compilation of writing by youth on the topics of September 11th & the role of the U.S. in the world to which all are in1823002-19-2003
Peace Initiative PosterPeaceful Resistance was formed to show the relationship between consumerism, corporate misuse, environmental issues, and governmental controls of freedom. We are a solution based not for profit or1789003-11-2003
Georgetown Living Wage ReportA report produced by the Georgetown Solidarity Committee in March 2003 calling on Georgetown University to immediately implement a campus living wage policy. 13 pages, color, PDF/Adobe Acrobat format1784003-31-2003
Québec Student Activist Hist"Mémoire sur la mise sur pied de l'Alternative pour une Solidarité Syndicale Etudiante." A detailed essay on Quebec Student Movement History from a pro-student syndicalist (aka student union) pe1775005-06-2003
Tuition Report at UT-AustinA 33-year Trend in Tuition and Fees: The Cost of Attending the University of Texas at Austin by UT Watch- www.utwatch.org2809007-17-2003
The Militarization of America's UniversitiesA detailed analysis. By students from UC Santa Cruz: Emily Hell and Darwin Bond Graham. 24 pages.1525008-04-2003
Guide to ResearchingThis guide is a resource for students wishing to research their university. It is in Pdf format and is meant to be printed front and back and folded into a booklet. By Nick Schwellenbach of UT Watch1965008-05-2003
198 Nonviolent TacticsFrom Gene Sharp's book: "The Politics of Nonviolent Action"2246009-19-2003
ACLU Student Organizing ManualACLU Student Organizing Manual. Circa 2000.2111009-19-2003
Anarchism: What it Really Stands For.An essay in pamphlet form by Emma Goldman.1978009-19-2003
Consensus Is Not UnanimityConsensus Is Not Unanimity: Making Decisions Cooperatively. By Randy Schutt.1517009-19-2003
Checklist for Consensus ProcessA checklist for the consensus process. By Randy Schutt.1426009-19-2003
Toward Collective Decision MakingTowards Collective Decision Making. By Prison Activist Resource Center.1418009-19-2003
Notes on Consensus Decision MakingBy Randy Schutt. 12 pages.1498009-19-2003
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