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Not In Our Name Anti-Recruitment Flyer in SpanishThis is a general flyer outlining why youth should resist the military and military recruitment. (In Spanish).3010002-17-2004
An Activist's Guide to Basic First AidA useful guide for people engaging in direct action protests. By the Black Cross Health Collective. 20 pages.3010005-04-2004
Electoral Campaign ManualThe Green Party's electoral campaign manual for 2002-2003. Do you want to run? 29 pages.2993011-13-2002
Bush's Surge: Mission Accomplished?One page flier about Bush's Surge (adding more troops to the occupation of Iraq in 2007). Written February 2008. By United for Peace and Justice and War Times.2989007-07-2008
Regional Coalition BuildingThe document, written by Gerald Farinas in 2002, has been used by over 200 groups as a model for campus movement coalition building. The information is outdated but still useful. For more information2952010-10-2007
AFSCME Internal Organizing ManualBuilding Power in the Workplace: the internal AFSCME organizing manual. For union organizing. 53 pages. 2000.2942007-08-2008
Martin Luther King -Take the King Challenge 2 page flyerOn King's Birthday, see if you can take Martin Luther King's Jr. 's words to heart - the words he spoke just 4 days before he was gunned down. This is a 2-page flyer. Distribute it to get one of Kin2881501-10-2009
Facilitation GuideYou need good facilitation to run a smooth meeting and achieve your goals. This guide will help with preparation, process, and other tips for holding a solid meeting.2867003-04-2004
Tuition Report at UT-AustinA 33-year Trend in Tuition and Fees: The Cost of Attending the University of Texas at Austin by UT Watch- www.utwatch.org2809007-17-2003
Iran - Let's Start With Some FactsOne page leaflet by War Times about Bush's threats to Iran. www.war-times.org2806007-07-2008
Oxfam Hunger BanquetThis is Oxfam's step-by-step guide on how to organize an Oxfam Hunger Banquet, an interactive poverty simulation. Go to for our free resources.2804011-26-2019
A Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 - 2006An Incomplete Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 – 2006. By Josh Sonnenfield. 40 pages.2803011-20-2007
Clean Energy Campus ToolkitThis toolkit was developed by Greenpeace as a comprehensive organizing guide outlining two successful clean energy campaign strategies.27700 
Educating about AgeismUnit on Ageism in four sessions. Looks at discrimination against old people. By SocialJusticeEducation.org2744005-03-2004
Teenagers - Wake Up!Leaflet for teen liberation. 4 pages.2740011-12-2004
UC Santa Cruz 2004 Disorientation GuideEverything you wanted to know about activism at UC Santa Cruz. 80 pages.2710001-17-2005
Corporate Campaigning Activist ToolkitAn organizing guide for targetting corporations that are harming the environment. By the Rainforest Action Network. 86 pages.2699011-19-2006
CIA Terrorists Off CampusWhy the CIA is bad and how to organize to get the CIA off of your campus. By Aaron Kreider. 5 pages.2627401-17-2004
What is Genetically Engineered Food? Why Should You Care?Flyer on GE Foods, great to pass out at events or outside grocery stores in a public area2612003-16-2005
Activism History of Notre DameBeyond Football: Over Thirty Years of Radicals at Notre Dame. An activist history essay by Aaron Kreider. 23 pages.2611011-20-2002
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