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Media Empowerment GuideA guide to understanding media power and organizing for media justice in your community. By the United Church for Christ. 48 pages. 2004.3661407-08-2008
Ruckus Media ManualA guide to working with the media. By Ruckus. 14 pages.1358005-04-2004
Fair Trade Chocolate Action PacketA How-To Guide That Shows What You Can Do to Promote Fair Trade for Cocoa Farmers. By Global Exchange. 45 pages 20031365011-20-2007
Drinking Age Act Leg. Ana.A legislative analysis of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984.5261501-19-2003
Anarchism in Action HandbookA long collection of resources for anarchist activists. 340 pages.7029401-14-2003
Movement Action PlanA long term view of the stages that social movements go through, from being at the outskirts of society to gaining an overwhelming majority of public support and achieving social change. Excellent2500509-12-2004
SDK-Philippines Manifesto of UnityA Manifesto of Unity delivered and approved by the delegates of the Convenors Assembly for the Re-establishment of SDK or Democratic Association of the Youth. The said ocassion was held in Manila Phi1263002-04-2004
Ax_Tampax_flierA medium-complexity flier, between the basic and the full-brochure.1705011-09-2004
Classism in the Student MovementA Note on Class Stratification in Recruitment in the Student Movement. Looks at group membership (in 2000) in United Students Against Sweatshops, the Student Peace Action Network, Young Democratic Soc1341401-03-2005
Know Your Rights - CanadaA pamphlet for activists in Canada who want to know their rights vis a vis police. By Ontario Public Interest Research Group. 19 pages.3411001-14-2003
An Emerging Model for Working with YouthA paper by the Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing. On Youth Activism. 28 pages.1515009-20-2003
Students for a Democratic Society - PaperA paper on the history of SDS. By Dana Zakrzewski.2545009-20-2003
NJ Voters' Bill of RightsA pocket card that explains in simple language your voting rights -- who can vote, how to vote, what to do if you are turned away at your polling place -- in N.J.1195010-10-2006
Anarchism: From Theory to PracticeA primer on anarchism. By Daniel Guerin. 39 pages.2027011-12-2004
NYC Spokes Council ProposalA proposal to use a Spokes Council structure for the NYC General Assembly. I think this passed. Version 4.
Student Bodies: Reproductive Health Care at Catholic UniversA report by Catholics for Free Choice.1633006-22-2004
UK Universities, The Oil Industry, and Climate ChangeA report by Corporate Watch UK on how the oil industry uses UK universities to promote a dirty energy agenda. 36 pages.1406005-04-2004
Public Institution-Private Agenda: Tuition DeregulationA report by UT Watch ( documenting the possibly illegal efforts by the UT System to deregulate tuition by pushing legislation.1896004-24-2004
Georgetown Living Wage ReportA report produced by the Georgetown Solidarity Committee in March 2003 calling on Georgetown University to immediately implement a campus living wage policy. 13 pages, color, PDF/Adobe Acrobat format1784003-31-2003
40 Years Later: Unrealized American Dream. (Racism)A report that examines the progress/lack of progress made in achieving equality for African Americans in the past 40 years. By Dedrick Muhammad, Institute for Policy Studies. 2008. 18 pages1938007-07-2008
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