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U.S. as Fourth Reich?An analysis of why U.S. leaders are pursuing foreign policies that seem calculated to generate hostility against Americans around the world. There is a method in the madness.1381012-07-2002
U Waterloo Student Activism HistoryLong paper on University of Waterloo and a group called the Radical Student Movement during the Sixties. 28 pages.1520009-20-2003
U Maryland Disorientatation Guide 2010University of Maryland College Park Disorientation Guide 2010. 30 pages. Zine style.1197004-12-2011
Turning the Tide: Challenging the Right on CampusBy Anuradha Mittal with Felicia Gustin and a foreward by Howard Zinn An analysis of right wing and corporate influences in higher education. 1225008-14-2006
Turning It Around - Burn-out and CanvassingTurning the Bad Times Around. 1 page. By the Progressive Action Network. 1335005-15-2006
Tuition Report at UT-AustinA 33-year Trend in Tuition and Fees: The Cost of Attending the University of Texas at Austin by UT Watch- www.utwatch.org2809007-17-2003
Tufts Sit-In HistoryA detailed account of the Tufts Students Against Discrimination sit-in in the Fall of 2000. Their goal was to end discrimination based on sexual orientation.1899507-24-2002
Tree Free Action GuideA guide to getting your school to use tree-free paper. By Rainforest Action Network. 6 pages.1306001-14-2003
Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and PolicymakA 100 page booklet on transgender rights. By the National Gay Lesbian Taskforce.1665001-11-2004
Training for Change Manual for Dialogue FacilitatorsTRICKS AND TREATS: Facilitating Dialogue for Social Change - Training for Change Manual for Dialogue Facilitators. By Marie Bloom, Training for Change,, 2002, 32 pages.1345011-19-2006
Toxic Waste and Enviromental Racism - A ReportToxic Wastes and Race at Twenty: 1987-2007. A report prepared for the United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministeries. An extensive report on environmental racism. 175 pages. 1696007-08-2008
Toward Collective Decision MakingTowards Collective Decision Making. By Prison Activist Resource Center.1418009-19-2003
Toward an Anti-Corporate Strategy for the Peace MovementA four-page outline of an anti-corporate (anti-capitalist) strategy for anti-war activism today. Document file.1675011-21-2006
Toward a Student UnionToward a Student Union. On student unionism. By Jasper Conner. 28 pages. 4001001-11-2011
Torture American StyleBy Historians Against the War. 24 pages. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, prisons and torture.1712510-01-2005
Top 10 Immigration Myths and FactsFact sheet. By the National Immigration Forum, 2003. 2 pages.1784011-19-2006
Tips on Base BuildingHow to build a stronger organizational base. By Greg Akili. 3 pages. 2004. 1333010-13-2006
Tips for Facilitating a Conference Call6 Tips for Facilitating a Conference Calls. 2 pages. By the Student Environmental Action Coalition.2572009-20-2003
Thinking About AnarchismAnarchism: Its Aims, Principles and Methods Explained. An introduction. 23 pages.1424011-12-2004
The Structure of the Field RapFor use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 2 pages.1564005-15-2006
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Number of results: 568