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Mountaintop Removal FactsheetMountaintop removal is a method of surface mining that removes a seam of coal by blasting off the top of a mountain and dumping the "excess spoil" into the valley below. Through this practice, the US 1996003-04-2004
Tampaction Workshop Power PointThese are some slides that can be used to compliment a Tampaction Workshop. They need a lot of work but the bare info might be helpful.1993008-31-2004
National Opt-Out Tool KitThis resource was compiled by participants in the June 2003 conference, "Stopping War Where It Begins – Organizing Against Militarism in Our Schools" ( It w1989004-08-2004
Demilitarization Guide for Youth and StudentsThe Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste: A Guide to the Demilitarization of America's Youth & Students." Also called the 1988402-27-2005
Anarchism: What it Really Stands For.An essay in pamphlet form by Emma Goldman.1986009-19-2003
Strong and Weak LanguageFor use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 1 page.1978005-15-2006
Guide to ResearchingThis guide is a resource for students wishing to research their university. It is in Pdf format and is meant to be printed front and back and folded into a booklet. By Nick Schwellenbach of UT Watch1972008-05-2003
Anti-Sweat Xmas Carol SongbookA songbook compiling 30 anti-sweatshop versions of popular Christmas carols, for use at wintertime anti-sweat actions (especially the GAP, Nike, other major corporate targets, etc). It's designed to 1970011-24-2002
Deliberate Differences: Progressive and Conservative CampusToday’s common wisdom is that conservative students are more effective on campuses than progressives, since conservative organizations provide more financial support and organizational assistance1969011-19-2006
Fair Trade Advocacy GuideA comprehensive document which explains the Fair Trade certification system as well as useful tools on how to promote Fair Trade and Fair Trade purchasing policies on you campus1958007-14-2006
An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg UniversityThe Search for the Metamotivated Activist: An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg University. By Katie Adamson. Uses a social movements framework and statistics to look at what issues could mo1955001-03-2005
The Corporate Linked UniversityThe Corporate-Linked University: From Social Project to Market Force . Focusses on Canada. By Janice Newson. 20 pages. 1954011-12-2004
Researching Where Your School's Electricity Comes FromProvides a step-by-step guide to how to figure out where your school's electricity really comes from and how to research the environmental impacts of that electricity use.1953011-02-2005
10 Steps to Getting PressOne page fact sheet on how to get press. By the Drug Policy Alliance.1950008-28-2006
Columbia Disorientation Guide 2002Columbia University Disorientation Guide 2002-2003. 1949004-12-2011
Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual To Change The World"'Your most valuable asset isn’t your employees,' I told the executive. 'Your most valuable asset is the thousands of people who want to work for you for free, and you don’t let them.'" 300 pgs. 1946007-23-2017
Effective Nonviolent ActionBy Randy Schutt. 2 pages.1943009-20-2003
40 Years Later: Unrealized American Dream. (Racism)A report that examines the progress/lack of progress made in achieving equality for African Americans in the past 40 years. By Dedrick Muhammad, Institute for Policy Studies. 2008. 18 pages1941007-07-2008
Tampaction Outreach BrochureThis is an outreach brochure for the Tampaction Campaign. It gives an overview of the problems with tampons, the alternatives, and how to get involved with Tampaction.1940002-26-2004
WRC Case Study by Cal PolyA case study of how students got their university to join the Worker Rights Consortium in 2001. By Jesse McGowan. 4 pages.1939001-03-2005
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