Resource | Long Description | Downloaded | Rating | Update |
Mountaintop Removal Factsheet | Mountaintop removal is a method of surface mining that removes a seam of coal by blasting off the top of a mountain and dumping the "excess spoil" into the valley below. Through this practice, the US | 1996 | 0 | 03-04-2004 |
Tampaction Workshop Power Point | These are some slides that can be used to compliment a Tampaction Workshop. They need a lot of work but the bare info might be helpful. | 1993 | 0 | 08-31-2004 |
National Opt-Out Tool Kit | This resource was compiled by participants in the June 2003 conference, "Stopping War Where It Begins – Organizing Against Militarism in Our Schools" ( It w | 1989 | 0 | 04-08-2004 |
Demilitarization Guide for Youth and Students | The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste: A Guide to the Demilitarization of America's Youth & Students." Also called the | 1988 | 4 | 02-27-2005 |
Anarchism: What it Really Stands For. | An essay in pamphlet form by Emma Goldman. | 1986 | 0 | 09-19-2003 |
Strong and Weak Language | For use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 1 page. | 1978 | 0 | 05-15-2006 |
Guide to Researching | This guide is a resource for students wishing to research their university. It is in Pdf format and is meant to be printed front and back and folded into a booklet. By Nick Schwellenbach of UT Watch | 1972 | 0 | 08-05-2003 |
Anti-Sweat Xmas Carol Songbook | A songbook compiling 30 anti-sweatshop versions of popular Christmas carols, for use at wintertime anti-sweat actions (especially the GAP, Nike, other major corporate targets, etc). It's designed to | 1970 | 0 | 11-24-2002 |
Deliberate Differences: Progressive and Conservative Campus | Today’s common wisdom is that conservative
students are more effective on campuses than progressives,
since conservative organizations provide
more financial support and organizational assistance | 1969 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
Fair Trade Advocacy Guide | A comprehensive document which explains the Fair Trade certification system as well as useful tools on how to promote Fair Trade and Fair Trade purchasing policies on you campus | 1958 | 0 | 07-14-2006 |
An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg University | The Search for the Metamotivated Activist: An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg University. By Katie Adamson. Uses a social movements framework and statistics to look at what issues could mo | 1955 | 0 | 01-03-2005 |
The Corporate Linked University | The Corporate-Linked University:
From Social Project to Market Force . Focusses on Canada. By Janice Newson. 20 pages.
| 1954 | 0 | 11-12-2004 |
Researching Where Your School's Electricity Comes From | Provides a step-by-step guide to how to figure out where your school's electricity really comes from and how to research the environmental impacts of that electricity use. | 1953 | 0 | 11-02-2005 |
10 Steps to Getting Press | One page fact sheet on how to get press. By the Drug Policy Alliance. | 1950 | 0 | 08-28-2006 |
Columbia Disorientation Guide 2002 | Columbia University Disorientation Guide 2002-2003.
| 1949 | 0 | 04-12-2011 |
Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual To Change The World | "'Your most valuable asset isn’t your employees,' I told the executive. 'Your most valuable asset is the thousands of people who want to work for you for free, and you don’t let them.'" 300 pgs.
| 1946 | 0 | 07-23-2017 |
Effective Nonviolent Action | By Randy Schutt. 2 pages. | 1943 | 0 | 09-20-2003 |
40 Years Later: Unrealized American Dream. (Racism) | A report that examines the progress/lack of progress made in achieving equality for African Americans in the past 40 years.
By Dedrick Muhammad, Institute for Policy Studies.
18 pages | 1941 | 0 | 07-07-2008 |
Tampaction Outreach Brochure | This is an outreach brochure for the Tampaction Campaign. It gives an overview of the problems with tampons, the alternatives, and how to get involved with Tampaction. | 1940 | 0 | 02-26-2004 |
WRC Case Study by Cal Poly | A case study of how students got their university to join the Worker Rights Consortium in 2001. By Jesse McGowan. 4 pages. | 1939 | 0 | 01-03-2005 |