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Campus Climate - LGBTQCampus Climate for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People: A National Perspective. By the National Gay Lesbian Taskforce. 78 pages.1795010-29-2003
Peace Initiative PosterPeaceful Resistance was formed to show the relationship between consumerism, corporate misuse, environmental issues, and governmental controls of freedom. We are a solution based not for profit or1792003-11-2003
Top 10 Immigration Myths and FactsFact sheet. By the National Immigration Forum, 2003. 2 pages.1791011-19-2006
Georgetown Living Wage ReportA report produced by the Georgetown Solidarity Committee in March 2003 calling on Georgetown University to immediately implement a campus living wage policy. 13 pages, color, PDF/Adobe Acrobat format1787003-31-2003
Why Students Should Care About the FTAAOne page fact sheet by the AFL-CIO.1783011-06-2003
Québec Student Activist Hist"Mémoire sur la mise sur pied de l'Alternative pour une Solidarité Syndicale Etudiante." A detailed essay on Quebec Student Movement History from a pro-student syndicalist (aka student union) pe1778005-06-2003
Student Activist HandbookConcise, informative guide to help students join together to work for justice. Based on personal experience, coursework, and information from some of the best books in the field. Forty-nine helpful an1774010-28-2006
Buy Recycled Guide1772009-26-2002
SEAC Caucus GuideSEAC's Caucus Guide. Explains what caucuses are, why they exist, and how they function within the Student Environmental Action Coalition. 4 pages.1770003-07-2002
April 20th Anti-War Flier1764003-11-2002
Participatory Democracy at the University of Sydney, 1960–In 1973 the student movement caused the Philosophy department to be "democratised" and then split. The Government department was also rocked by activism. It discusses "departmental revolutions" (an i1762006-27-2012
Harvard Disorientation Guide - Spring 2008By Students for a Democratic Society. 16 pages.1761005-21-2008
Long Island University BrooklynLong Island University Brooklyn's FIRST Disorientation Guide (2015).1757509-18-2016
What's up with dioxin and tampons?This summarizes first what the FDA says about dioxins and tampons, and second, what they won't tell you. Also contains links to FDA and other helpful documents addressing the issue of dioxin in tampon1754003-02-2005
University Inc. - A Documentary About Corporatization at UTActually an essay about creating a documentary. Still useful as the essay is all about corporatization. By Kyle Richard Henry. 61 pages.1748002-16-2004
A Practical Guide to Anarchist OrganisationHow to start an anarchist collective. 21 pages. By Andrew Flood.1736011-12-2004
Suits & Spooks by John Peck"How to Research, Expose, and Challenge Military and Corporate Influence on Your Campus" - a version of this also appears in Campus Inc. edited by Geoffry White (Prometheus Books 2000)1734001-17-2004
Critical Path Analysis - WorkshopCampaigns don’t win all at once – they win through taking successful steps. Being able to break down the steps towards winning is a key skill for successful strategizing. This tool gives particip1732007-10-2007
Join WRC Leaflet IUse this leaflet and you too will win your campaign!1722004-02-2002
Redefining Campus Power EssayEssay by Andy Burns on campus democracy related themes1720503-07-2002
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Number of results: 568