Starting Date: 06-25-2004 Starting Time: 8:00am Ending Date: 06-27-2004 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102 United States 215-241-7176Stopping War Where It Begins:
Strengthening the Movement Opposing the Militarization of Youth
June 25-27, 2004
Friends Center
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
This gathering, open to all who work against the militarization of young people, will focus on strengthening the network that was formed at the “Stopping War Where It Begins: Organizing Against Militarism in Our Schools” conference that took place in June 2003. Time will be devoted to:
Discussing the status of the network, briefing new members, and electing a steering committee;
Strategizing about how to improve the effectiveness of U.S. counter-recruitment work, locally and nationally;
Making an inventory of existing counter-recruitment resources and identifying other resources that are needed.
The weekend will also feature:
“Training-the-trainer” sessions for experienced counter-recruitment activists;
Caucus and regional discussions;
An evening devoted to issues of LGBTQ people and the military.
Geographical Scope: National Conference |