Mid-Atlantic Student Training for Environmental Protection 2013

Starting Date: 06-02-2013
Ending Date: 06-07-2013

Prince William Forest
Triangle, Virginia 22172
United States
The Student Training for Environmental Protection (STEP) is designed to give students the skills they need to become effective environmental advocates. It is an intensive course facilitated by a multifarious crew of some of the best youth organizers in the U.S and Puerto Rico. The program focuses on environmental justice and anti-oppression and the workshops and activities reflect that. During the week participants learn how to create (or strengthen) successful and diverse groups that will be able to run effective environmental campaigns on their campuses or in their communities.

The program is appropriate for people with no organizing experience as well as folks that are looking to build upon exists skills. Specifically, STEP provides its participants the skills, knowledge, and motivation they need to create the change that will turn passion for the environment into action that will protect it. Participants can expect to be surrounded by a wide array of people from across the country while learning how to organize in an inclusive manner. We strongly encourage people from historically marginalized groups, i.e. people of color, LGBT folks, to apply.

Some of the workshops that are covered include:

Organizing skills
Recruiting, Leadership Development, Coalition Building, Campaign Planning, Event Planning, Facilitation

Communication Skills
Public Speaking, How to Get Media Attention, Message Development, Lobbying

Dismantling Racism, Undoing Patriarchy, How To Be An Ally

The Climate Crisis, Mountaintop Removal, Hydro-fracking, Tar Sands, Overdevelopment and Sprawl

Additionally, the Student Training for Environmental Protection program allows participants to:
Connect with fellow young people and build community to build power and sustain involvement for the long-term.
Strengthen the bonds between student organizers while being trained and empowered with the skills needed to be part of the movement that solves climate change, environmental injustice, and economic failure.
Understand the magnitude of both the challenges and opportunities presented by the climate crisis and explore the capacities to create transformative change.
In addition to the main focus of the program, participants can expect to enjoy:
Top notch environmental speakers
Fun activities
Great vegetarian and vegan food
Awesome people
A beautiful setting

Mid-Atlantic STEP- Sunday, June 2nd through Friday, June 7th at Prince William Forest in Virginia: Apply Now!
This program marks our fifth anniversary at Prince William!
The subsidized cost for this program is $415* per person or $390 each if you register in a group of three or more. The fee covers all lodging, food, and local travel.

Geographical Scope: Regional



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