Site Map: Resources

  • 'Campus Organizing 401' event flyer
  • 'When Bush Comes to Shove' flyer
  • "Facing History" Part II
  • "Facing History" Part III
  • \'A Disciplined Culture of Excellence\'?
  • 10 Steps to Getting Press
  • 198 Nonviolent Tactics
  • 20 Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention- Iran
  • 2006 Swackhamer Peace Essay Contest
  • 2009 Brower Youth Awards: accepting applications for $3,000
  • 2011 UC Santa Cruz Disorientation Guide
  • 40 Years Later: Unrealized American Dream. (Racism)
  • 5 Ways to Leave a Lighter Footprint
  • A Call To End Corruption: One Minute of Darkness for Constan
  • A History of the Australian National Union of Students
  • A History of US Graduate Student Organizing and Unionization
  • A Mock Tribunal to Advance Change
  • A Pan-Canadian Perspective on Tuition Fees
  • A Practical Guide to Anarchist Organisation
  • A Strategy for Replacing ROTC on Campus
  • A Ten Step Mediating Conflict Model
  • A Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 - 2006
  • ACLU Student Organizing Manual
  • ACORN Living Wage Guide
  • Action Theatre: Initiating Changes
  • Activism History of Notre Dame
  • Activist Research Guide
  • Advanced Fundraising - Workshop
  • AFSCME Internal Organizing Manual
  • American Opportunity: A Communications Toolkit
  • An Action Guide for Education Organizing
  • An Action Guide to the Community Development Block Grant Pro
  • An Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid
  • An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg University
  • An Emerging Model for Working with Youth
  • Anarchism in Action Handbook
  • Anarchism: From Theory to Practice
  • Anarchism: What it Really Stands For.
  • Annotated Bibliography on Youth Organizing
  • Anti- Rave Act flyer
  • Anti-Free Trade Poster - en Español
  • Anti-Sweat Xmas Carol Songbook
  • Anti-War Speakers - Vietnam, WWII, Iraq, Korea
  • Antiterrorism Legislation and Academic Freedom
  • APA Resolution Against Native American Mascots, Images, Pers
  • Appeal for a Student Anti-War Movement
  • April 20th Anti-War Flier
  • April 20th Anti-War Poster
  • Article about Israel
  • Ax_Tampax_flier
  • Ban Exotic Animal Acts in Your Community
  • Ban Sodas at Your School
  • Bank Tenant Association Organizing Manual
  • Barriers to Activism at ND
  • Basic Organizational Leaflet Example
  • Basic Street First Aid Training Supplements
  • Basic tampaction flyer
  • Behind the Kitchen Door - Report on NYC Restaurant Workers
  • BigPath Flyer: 4 Years of Lies on Iraq. What About Draft?
  • BigPath Flyer: Draft: Could This Be Spring Break 2005? (Iraq
  • BigPath Flyer: Draft: Cramming or Fighting for Your Life?
  • BigPath Flyer: Draft: R U Ready to Take Bullet for Halliburt
  • BigPath Flyer: Iraq Coalition/American Deaths (Updated Daily
  • BigPath Flyer: The Draft & Foreign Policy, Scary Old Guys
  • BigPath Flyer: The Draft. Bush History of Mistakes in Iraq
  • BigPath Flyer: Why Bush's World is More Dangerous
  • Board vs Staff Roles in Fundraising
  • Books Not Bombs Flyer
  • BORDC Campus Organizing Handbook
  • Border Crossings: Immigration, Debt, and Trade
  • Boston College Disorientation Guide - 2007-2008
  • Boston University Disorientation Guide
  • Brown Disorientation Guide 2006
  • Building a Solidarity Network - Guide
  • Building Diverse Community Based Coalitions
  • Bush's Ultimate Failure to Haunt Him on Election Eve
  • Bush\'s Surge: Mission Accomplished?
  • Buy Recycled Guide
  • Campaign Strategy Grid
  • Campus Climate - LGBTQ
  • Campus Climate Challenge Building Momentum
  • Campus Democracy Brochure
  • Campus Free Thought Org. Guide
  • Campus Greens Organizing Manual
  • Campus Living Wage Manual
  • Campus Living Wage Project: Interviews
  • Campus Sustainability Digest - 2005
  • Campuses Beyond Coal Guidebook
  • Carlessnesshood 101 for Healthier Air, Planet & People
  • Carlos Bulosan and Anti-Imperialist Solidarity
  • Cartoon: Independent Alligator: Mascot Issue
  • Case study: Military Industrial Complex at Indiana Univ. PA
  • Catholics and Environmental Justice Leaflet
  • CCO Student Organizing Guide
  • Chasco Krewe Members Stereotype American Indians
  • Checklist for Consensus Process
  • Cheney-Halliburton-Iraq-Repub-Congress-Cheney. The Unbroken
  • CIA Terrorists Off Campus
  • Circus Cruelty
  • Civil Disobedience Guide
  • Class Struggle: Student Activism in American Public Schools
  • Classism in the Student Movement
  • Classroom Sweatshop Presentation
  • Clean Energy Campus Toolkit
  • Clean Indoor Air and Communities of Color: Challenges and O
  • Closing the Racial Wealth Divide - Workshop Materials
  • Coal Blooded Action Toolkit
  • Coalition Building
  • College Democrats Comprehensive Manual
  • College Democrats Press Kit
  • College Democrats State Federation Manual
  • Columbia Disorientation Guide 2002
  • Columbia University Disorientation Guide - 2000
  • Columbus Myth and Reality
  • Common Problems with Meetings
  • Community Organising Workshop
  • Conference/Event Planning Guide
  • Confronting Racism in Communities
  • Connecting Students and Labor
  • Consensus Is Not Unanimity
  • Constructive Critcicism
  • Copwatch 101
  • Corporate Campaigning Activist Toolkit
  • Corporate Executives on Board of Governors
  • Cost of the Iraq War - A Leaflet for each State
  • Counter Recruitment Flier
  • Counter-Recruitment Talking Points
  • Creating Multicultural Ecovillage Activist Communities
  • Creating Participatory Events
  • Critical Path Analysis - Workshop
  • Critique of "Facing History"
  • Crossing Substances For Common Interest - Case Study
  • CSUMB\'s Otter 2010 Disorientation Guide
  • Cultivating the Web: High Tech Tools for the Sustainable Foo
  • Cutting the Issue
  • Davis-Putter Scholarships
  • Day of Silence
  • Debt Resistors Operations Manual
  • Decision Making Structures
  • Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy
  • Deliberate Differences: Progressive and Conservative Campus
  • Demilitarization Guide for Youth and Students
  • Democracy Handbook
  • Democratic National Structure
  • Democratic Socialists of America Organizing Manual
  • Developing a Policy Initiative
  • Developing Relationships With Reporters
  • Differences in Facilitating Small and Large Groups
  • Digital Activism Decoded
  • Digital Security for Activists
  • Divesting from Israel: A Handbook
  • Draft Registration Is No Joke!
  • Drinking Age Act Leg. Ana.
  • Drug companies want your DNA
  • Dual Occupations - Palestine and Iraq
  • Duke Disorientation Guide 2002
  • E-book on overcoming procrastination and writers\' block
  • Earlham Success Stories
  • Economic Paradigm Transformation Map
  • Educating about Ableism
  • Educating about Adultism
  • Educating about Ageism
  • Educating about Anti-Semitism
  • Educating about Classism
  • Educating about Heterosexism
  • Educating about Racism
  • Educating about Sexism
  • Educating about Sizeism
  • Education on Language Oppression
  • Effective Campus Petition Strategy Guide
  • Effective Facilitation
  • Effective Nonviolent Action
  • Eight USAS Campaigns
  • Electoral Campaign Manual
  • End Campus Complicity with War
  • End the War on Iraq! - Fall 2005 Mobilization Image
  • Ending the Occupation: It's the Law
  • Engaging the Media: Building Support for Minimum Wage Reform
  • Environmental and Social Audit of Earlham
  • Event Planning
  • Event Planning Booklet
  • Executive Excess 2006: Defense and Oil Executives Cash in o
  • Expose Circuses
  • Facilitation and Consensus Workshop Outline
  • Facilitation Guide
  • Facilitator Guide -
  • Fair Trade Advocacy Guide
  • Fair Trade Chocolate Action Packet
  • Fair Trade Coffee: Organizing Guide
  • FBI/CIA Leaflet
  • Fear of a Crimson Planet (version #1)
  • Feminist Study Action Manual
  • Fighting Military Research Case Study: We Almost Won
  • Fire It Up: Youth Action Guide
  • Flyer Advertising March 4th and March 20th
  • Force Field Analysis
  • Form for Art for the People, Multiracial Library-By-Mail
  • Foundation for the Series
  • Four Core Elements of Strategy
  • Framing Public Issues
  • FSU Fans 'Honoring' Seminoles
  • FTAA and Gender
  • FTAA and the Media
  • FTAA Packet
  • FTAA: Learning From NAFTA
  • FTAA: Student Action Packet
  • FTAA: Trading Away Our Environment
  • General Assemblies: Guide to Group Dynamics
  • Generation Broke: The Growth of Debt Among Young Americans
  • Genetic Engineering Factsheet
  • Genocidal genetic weapons
  • Georgetown Living Wage Report
  • Get Action Alerts
  • Getting Free
  • Getting Started with Divestment and Reinvestment by Randy Vi
  • Getting the Dirt on the Military/Industrial Complex
  • Growing Pains Fishbowl
  • GSU Anti-Sweatshop Campaign
  • Guide for Public High School Leafletting and Petitioning
  • Guide to Inclusive School Change
  • Guide to Researching
  • Guide to Social Change Led By and With Young People
  • Harvard Disorientation Guide - Spring 2008
  • Health and Safety at Militant Actions
  • Health Care Workers and the Medical Draft
  • Higher Education and Capitalism
  • History of the War Machine
  • Holiday Song Book - Peace and Justice
  • How the FTAA Threatens Post-Secondary Education
  • How to Abolish War
  • How to hold educationals
  • How to Make a General Assembly Proposal - Philadelphia Versi
  • How to Research Companies
  • How to Run a Good Meeting
  • How to use documentaries to promote activism
  • If GWB was employee, would you give him 4 more years or fire
  • Importance of Joining a Network
  • In Our Own Words: Immigrants\' Experiences in the Northwest
  • Income Contingent Loan Repayment - Privatizing Universities
  • Influencing Congress on Climate
  • Inside the Capitalist Education System
  • Interfaith Worker Justice Campus Alliance Agreement
  • Introduction to Intersex Activism: A Guide for Allies
  • Investing in Progressive Leadership Development: Building a
  • Iran - Let\'s Start With Some Facts
  • Iran in the Crosshairs
  • Iran Next?
  • Iraq and al-Qaeda
  • Iraq war
  • Iraq War for Democracy???
  • ISO New Members Packet: Study Guide (Socialism)
  • Israel Campus Divestment Guide
  • IWW Organizing Manual
  • Join WRC Leaflet I
  • Join WRC Leaflet II
  • JROTC is Fascist
  • Know Your Rights - Canada
  • L'ABC D'une Occupation
  • Labor struggles at Notre Dame
  • Less Waste
  • Leveraging the Money Enforcing human rights by influencing
  • LGBT Campus Organizing Manual
  • Liberation Theology Leaflet
  • Life After Bush fliers
  • List of Schools Making Weapons
  • Living Wage Campaign Case Study - Colorado College
  • Lobbying Tips
  • Long Island University Brooklyn
  • LSU Disorientation Guide 2002
  • Making a Choice: Conscientious Objection or Refusing to Regi
  • Making Citizen-Soldiers: ROTC
  • March 20th Books Not Bombs Posters
  • March 4th Books Not Bombs Organizing Packet
  • March 4th Books Not Bombs Resources
  • March 5th 2003 Strike Organizing Packet
  • Martin Luther King -Take the King Challenge 2 page flyer
  • Meaningful Student Involvement Research Guide
  • Meaningful Student Involvement Resource Guide
  • Media and Message: Little Black Book
  • Media Democracy Day Flyer
  • Media Empowerment Guide
  • Media Training Notes and Manual
  • Medic Supplies List
  • Medic Training Outline
  • Menstrual Activism Workshop Outline
  • Menstrual Health Workshop Flyer 1 and 2
  • Mentorship and Peer Support
  • Meta Messaging: Framing Your Case and Reinforcing Your Allie
  • Micah Sunday--Bible studies, activities, Sermons, and more o
  • Mobile Tactics for Protesters with Phones
  • Model Campus Policies on Sexual Harassment and Assault
  • Mountaintop Removal Factsheet
  • Mountaintop Removal Fight Timeline
  • Movement Action Plan
  • Movement as Network
  • MUST SEE ! Greg Jones\' musical message for world peace..Pow
  • National Day of Silence Organizing Manual
  • National Opt-Out Tool Kit
  • National Student Strike Flyer
  • National Tuition Endowment Endorsement Form
  • New Approaches to Generating Jobs and Opportunities for Resi
  • New CAN flyer and index page on CAN history
  • New Energy for Campuses Energy-Saving Policies for College
  • New Energy For Campuses Report: Energy Action and Apollo All
  • New flyer with concerns about LaRouche
  • New School Disorientation Guide 2009
  • New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners
  • News Releases
  • NJ Voters\' Bill of Rights
  • No Leaders? or ALL Leaders
  • No New Wars
  • Nonviolence Workshop: Sample Agenda
  • Nonviolent Action Handbook
  • Not In Our Name Anti-Recruitment Flyer
  • Not In Our Name Anti-Recruitment Flyer in Spanish
  • Notes on Consensus Decision Making
  • Notes on Nonviolent Action
  • Notre Dame Disorientation Guide 2000
  • Notre Dame Living Wage Report 2007
  • NYC Occupy Wall Street - General Assembly Guide
  • NYC Spokes Council Proposal
  • NYS Farmworker Justice Campaign: Petition
  • NYS Farmworker Justice Campaign: Poster
  • NYU Disorientation Guide 2008
  • Occupation is not Liberation
  • Occupation: A Do It Yourself Guide
  • Occupy Philly - Machete
  • Occupy Tactic Star
  • Occupy Theory: Tidal #2
  • Occupy Wall Street and the Political Identity Paradox
  • Occupy! Your Guide to the International Occupation Movement
  • Online Politics 101 Guide
  • Organising Communities
  • Organizational Structure for Cooperative Groups
  • Organizing an Event
  • Organizing for Jobs: Lessons Learned from CCC\'s Sector Orga
  • Oxfam Hunger Banquet
  • OxFam soccer game to illustrate Fair Trade principals
  • Palestine and the Palestinians
  • Paper Use
  • Participant Agreements
  • Participatory Democracy at the University of Sydney, 1960–
  • Peace Initiative Poster
  • Peace Poster - Acceptable Losses?
  • Peace Poster - Freedom Fries
  • Peace Poster - Give Piece a Chance
  • Peace Poster - Mother Theresa
  • Peace Poster - No Oil War
  • Peace Poster - Peace
  • Peace Poster - Stop Bush
  • Peace Poster - Uncle Sam Wants You
  • Peace with Justice - Education Unit
  • Penn Disorientation Guide 2019
  • Petition against the New York State Rockefeller drug laws
  • Photograph of Hostile Fan Behavior at FSU Game
  • Plight of Elephants
  • Port Huron Statement - Students for a Democratic Society
  • Post-Election Analysis for Youth Activists
  • Power Vote Packet
  • Practical Concensus
  • Principles of Action Medical Patient Care
  • Prison Abolition
  • Prisons: A New Form of Environmental Racism
  • Private Sector Funding Sources
  • Promising Practices for Revenue Generation for Community Org
  • Protest to Power: A New Strategy for the Anti-War Movement
  • Public Education Project (PEP)
  • Public Education Project (PEP)
  • Public Institution-Private Agenda: Tuition Deregulation
  • Québec Student Activist Hist
  • Radicalizing Students : A Case Study
  • Re:imagining change: an introduction to story based strategy
  • Recycled Products
  • Redefining Campus Power Essay
  • Regional Coalition Building
  • Reproductive Rights & the "Partial Birth" Abortion Ban
  • Researching Where Your School's Electricity Comes From
  • Resource for Small Town Occupations
  • Respecting our workforce
  • Restoring Voting Rights to Citizens with Felony
  • Revolution Begins in the Sink - Poster
  • Right To Turban Campaign Petition (English)
  • Right to Turban Campaign Petition (French)
  • Rising Consciousness
  • Ruckus Action Planning Manual
  • Ruckus Action Strategy Guide
  • Ruckus Media Manual
  • Safeguarding Your Group from Attack
  • SAFER\'s Activist Resource Center
  • Sample Group Constitution
  • Sample Job Descriptions for Board Members
  • Sample Leaflet Describing a Group
  • Sample Outreach/Educational Tools from Project YANO
  • Sample: Campus Resolution Opposing the USA Patriot Act
  • Saving and Creating Good Jobs: A Study of Industrial Retent
  • Schools No Longer
  • Schools not jails flyer
  • SDK-Philippines Manifesto of Unity
  • SEAC Caucus Guide
  • SEAC High School Organizing Guide
  • SEAC Organizing Guide
  • Security Culture for Activists Guide
  • Sending Out an SMS - Tactic
  • Should Students Share the Power?
  • Side by Side: Protective Accompaniment
  • Sit-in Interviews
  • Sit-In: A Tactical Analysis
  • SPAN flyer about military research on campus
  • SPAN Flyer about the "No Child Left Behind" Act
  • SPAN Flyer about the USA PATRIOT Act
  • Speakers Handbook for Intersex Activists and Allies
  • Sprawling From Grace Trailer
  • Stanford Disorientation Guide 1996
  • Stanford Reorientation Guide 2009
  • Starting or Reviving a Group
  • Stop Border Deaths Now
  • Stories of Meaningful Student Involvement
  • Straight Privilege
  • Strategic Communication Planning
  • Strategic Questioning Manual
  • Strategising for Change - Workshop Resources
  • Strategising Online Activism: A Toolkit
  • Strong and Weak Language
  • Student Activism at Santa Clara University - Essay
  • Student Activism History 1965-1971: Pomona, Willamette, and
  • Student Activist Handbook
  • Student Bodies: Reproductive Health Care at Catholic Univers
  • Student Fighting Walmart Toolkit
  • Student Power Cycle
  • Student Power Essay
  • Student Power for Accessible Education - Campaign Organizing
  • Student Rights Handbook
  • Student Unions Essay
  • Students for a Democratic Society - Paper
  • Suits & Spooks by John Peck
  • Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault
  • Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual To Change The World
  • Sweatshop Movement Essay
  • Sweatshop Sit-Ins Paper
  • Syllabus for a Course on Student Movements
  • Systems of Domination Leaflet
  • Tactic Analysis
  • Tactical Mapping
  • Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern Protester
  • Talking with Men in Ties
  • Tampaction Action Packet
  • Tampaction Outreach Brochure
  • Tampaction Workshop Flyer
  • Tampaction Workshop Outline 2
  • Tampaction Workshop Power Point
  • Tampon_warning_x8
  • Teaching Intersex: A Guide for Teachers in Women\'s, Gender
  • Team Types Activity
  • Teenagers - Wake Up!
  • Ten Actions of Climate Justice Policies
  • Ten Points to Consider Before Signing a Military Enlistment
  • Tent State Organizing Model
  • Tent State Outreach Letter
  • Tent State Talking Points- Rutgers
  • Testing for Discrimination: Identifying and Prosecuting Huma
  • The Alameda Corridor Job Training and Employment Program - C
  • The Attraction to Activism: Recruitment and Retention
  • The Australian Student Environmental Network: A Case Study o
  • The Books Not Bombs Agenda
  • The Case for Anarchist Organisation
  • The Class of 2000 Report
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • The Corporate Linked University
  • The Cost of War in Afghanistan
  • The Dilemma Demonstration
  • The Direction of Higher Education
  • The Draft and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • The Five Basic Skills of Field Canvassing
  • The Five Basic Skills of Phone Canvassing
  • The FTAA and the SOA - side 1
  • The FTAA and the SOA - side 2
  • The Growing Divide: Inequality and the Roots of Economic In
  • The Landmine Factory Next Door--Exposing the Mil/Ind Complex
  • The Midwest Academy Organizing Model - Several Criticisms
  • The Militarization of America's Universities
  • The Multicultural, Multiracial Sweat Equity System
  • The Occupation Cookbook
  • The Open Source Classism, Racism and Sexism Project
  • The Organic Internet: Organizing History\'s Largest Social
  • The Point is Not to Interpret Whiteness But to Abolish It
  • The Power of Place How historic sites can engage citizens i
  • The Problem with Green Corps
  • The Rise of Network Universities
  • The Structure of the Field Rap
  • Thinking About Anarchism
  • Tips for Facilitating a Conference Call
  • Tips on Base Building
  • Top 10 Immigration Myths and Facts
  • Torture American Style
  • Toward a Student Union
  • Toward an Anti-Corporate Strategy for the Peace Movement
  • Toward Collective Decision Making
  • Toxic Waste and Enviromental Racism - A Report
  • Training for Change Manual for Dialogue Facilitators
  • Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and Policymak
  • Tree Free Action Guide
  • Tufts Sit-In History
  • Tuition Report at UT-Austin
  • Turning It Around - Burn-out and Canvassing
  • Turning the Tide: Challenging the Right on Campus
  • U Maryland Disorientatation Guide 2010
  • U Waterloo Student Activism History
  • U.S. as Fourth Reich?
  • UC Irvine Disorientation Guide 2009
  • UC Nuclear Free brochure
  • UC Santa Cruz 2004 Disorientation Guide
  • UK Universities, The Oil Industry, and Climate Change
  • UNC Disorientation Guide 2006
  • University Inc. - A Documentary About Corporatization at UT
  • University of California Berkley Disorientation Guide - 2008
  • University of Houston Disorientation Guide 2009
  • University of Michigan Disorientation Guide 2010
  • University of Oklahoma Disorientation Guide 2009
  • University, Industry, and Governmental Alliances
  • Uprising 2001-2002
  • URI St. Senate Bill & Petition
  • US Rape Culture Essay
  • USAS Campus Organizing Manual
  • USAS High School Organizing Manual
  • Using the Internet for Outreach and Organizing
  • UTK Disorientation Manual 2001
  • UTX-Austin alternative zine
  • Vegan Advocacy
  • Victoria's Dirty Secret Tour Flyer
  • Video Camera Tips Training Manual
  • Vison Gallery - Exercise
  • War and the Economy - Workshop Materials
  • War on Terrorism
  • We are all just one race.
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They Told
  • What is Democratic Socialism? 10 Questions & Answers
  • What is Direct Action?
  • What is Genetically Engineered Food? Why Should You Care?
  • What is to be Done?
  • What To Do If You Don't Want To Be Drafted
  • What We\'re In For: Projected Economic Impact of the Next Re
  • What's up with dioxin and tampons?
  • Whistleblowers: Standing up For Academic Freedom
  • Whither Hampshire College?
  • Who Cares About Collectives?
  • Why Do Soldiers Die for Their Country?
  • Why should my corporation carry healthy menstrual products?
  • Why Students Should Care About the FTAA
  • Why Troops are Turning Against the Occupation
  • Why Unions Matter
  • Why You Should Not Trust Your School
  • Winning Wages: A Media Kit for Successful Living Wage Strate
  • Working on It: People of Color Experience Occupy Wall Street
  • Working with the Media Factsheet
  • Working With Volunteers - Exercise
  • Workplace Organising
  • Workshop Evaluation Form
  • World Bank Bonds Boycott Campus Organizing Guide
  • WRC Case Study by Cal Poly
  • Writing a Winning Proposal
  • Young America Project
  • Young and Oppressed
  • Your Ecological Footprint
  • Your Household Hazardous Waste
  • Youth and Community Organizing Today
  • Youth and Student Foreign Policy Voter Guide
  • Youth Organizing: Expanding Possibilities
  • Youth Power Shift Action Packet