National Students for Justice in Palestine 2016

Starting Date: 11-04-2016
Ending Date: 11-06-2016

George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
United States
We are excited to announce that our 2016 National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference will be held on November 4th-6th at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Our theme will be "Critical Mass: With Our Roots in Resistance, Forging a Just Future."

Our student Palestine solidarity movement is at a pivotal point. Confronted with forms of repression both old and new, we must draw on our history of grassroots organizing to develop ways of effectively and proactively responding to this backlash while channeling our remarkable energy and focus towards our ultimate goal of liberation for Palestine and all oppressed peoples. We have reached a critical mass, with the people-power to shape the national conversation and affect real change, but we need to consider how to effectively build on this momentum. How can new SJPs emerge and gain traction with help from experienced chapters working to push our movement forward? How can we fortify and sustain our solidarity work within the current sociopolitical atmosphere? The 2016 National Conference offers a space for us to refocus, bolster our network, and strategize for the long term.
Geographical Scope: National


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