Demand Liberation: TX Regional Student Animal Rights Action Conference

Starting Date: 02-12-2005
Ending Date: 02-13-2005

University Of Texas - Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
United States
Want to meet and organize with other young activists in your region?

Student Animal Rights Alliance presents:

Demand Liberation
Regional Student Animal Rights Action Conferences

Austin, TX - Boston, MA - Gainesville, FL
Minneapolis, MN - Philadelphia, PA

Ready to take action with other young activists in your region? Want to find out more about how to build-up your group at school?

In addition to our "Liberation Now!" national conference in Berkeley, CA, Student Animal Rights Alliance is going cross-country in a series of regional action conferences - "Demand Liberation" - to unite hundreds of young activists to take a leading role in the animal rights movement.

Come join us at Demand Liberation to plan regional actions with other young activists and work together to build a stronger and bigger youth movement for animal rights!

Registration is just $10 if you pre-register now. ($20 at the door.) Yummy vegan lunches and snacks are INCLUDED in the registration fee!

Visit for more info.

"Demand Liberation: Regional Student Animal Rights Action Conferences" are also nationally-sponsored by:
Farm Sanctuary
Fund for Animals
Saving Our Resources Today

Visit our website at for more info and to sign up for email updates!
Geographical Scope: Regional

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