Educational Praxis, Inc P.O. Box 409 Putney, Vermont 05346 United States 802-258-0946Educational Praxis's mission is to bring people of diverse communities together through direct educational activities to develop solidarity with learning-teaching centers around the world. Praxis's educational activities promote critical reflection, economic equity and security, ecological consciousness, cultural groundings and creative action for the purpose of addressing the schisms of race, class, caste and gender.
Educational Praxis, a non-profit organization based in Vermont, will host WE-learn projects in Tanzania, Uganda and India this coming summer. Come experience how community workers and activists are working for social justice in these countries. WE-learn projects focus on building relationships and solidarity between activists and diverse communities. Whether you are working with teachers in India or learning from health practitioners in Tanzania you will be helping to create positive social change.
The projects in India, Uganda and Tanzania are designed by people from those countries.
The money you pay directly goes towards the local programs of the host communities, coordination of the trip and your local transportation and accommodation costs.
This is a non-campus group. Geographical Scope: International Added on 04-08-2008 Updated on 04-08-2008 |