Hillary Rettig
Permanent Address

Boston, Massachusetts 02114
United States
I am author of The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way (Lantern Books, 2006), which teaches you how to get past your fears, blocks and procrastination and live a happy and productive life that includes a strong progressive mission. Daily Kos: "If I had but one book to spend hard-earned cash on this year, [The Lifelong Activist] would be it.” I give workshops at colleges and also coach progressive activists - for $$ and gratis. I've been involved in many progressive movements, most recently veg*n/animal rights. Please visit my Website at http://www.lifelongactivist.com for book excerpts, workshop topics and other info. Thanks.
Added on 08-21-2007
Updated on 08-21-2007

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