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Your Household Hazardous WasteFlyer on household chemicals and sustainable alternatives to use instead1373003-16-2005
Building Diverse Community Based CoalitionsBy The Praxis Project. 2002. 5 pages. www.praxisproject.org1372010-13-2006
Developing a Policy InitiativeIt’s not enough to simply react to issues with demands and counter demands. At some point, if we are serious about building community power, we must shape and initiate public policy. Below are basic1371010-13-2006
Israel Campus Divestment GuideFighting the New Apartheid : A Guide to Campus Divestment From Israel. By Fayyad Sbaihat. 34 pages. 20051370010-01-2005
New flyer with concerns about LaRoucheWe at PRA are deeply concerned about the inroads that the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) is making on campuses, with youth more generally, and within the anti-war, anti-Bush movements. His is a1370009-14-2007
Meaningful Student Involvement Research GuideSummarizes 15 of the foremost studies supporting students as active partners in school reform efforts. Includes findings and main points.1368006-23-2004
Peace Poster - PeaceBy Siavash Fan.1368001-31-2007
Nonviolence Workshop: Sample Agenda6 pages. By Randy Schutt.1365009-20-2003
Fair Trade Chocolate Action PacketA How-To Guide That Shows What You Can Do to Promote Fair Trade for Cocoa Farmers. By Global Exchange. 45 pages 20031365011-20-2007
Economic Paradigm Transformation MapThs map is a model for how to shift the economic paradigm from one that is head centered to one that is heart centered. There are 4 levels this is done at, the inner individual, the outer individual, 1363008-17-2007
New CAN flyer and index page on CAN historyWe have uploaded CAN's new flyer. Traprock has published an index to its pages documenting the history of the Campus Antiwar Network (CAN). The index is located at
Behind the Kitchen Door - Report on NYC Restaurant WorkersBehind the Kitchen Door: Pervasive Inequality in New York City's Thriving Restaurant Industry. By the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY) and the New York City Restaurant Industry 1359010-13-2006
Ruckus Media ManualA guide to working with the media. By Ruckus. 14 pages.1358005-04-2004
No New WarsNo New Wars. A leaflet about preventing the possible US attacks on Syria, North Korea, and Iran. By Warren Craig and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Campus Antiwar Network. 4 pages.1356005-04-2004
Medic Training OutlineHold an eight hour training for affinity group medics. By The Black Cross Health Collective. 20 pages.1356005-05-2004
Meaningful Student Involvement Resource GuideThis booklet provides a range of support for Meaningful Student Involvement advocates and practitioners. Included here are a literature review that introduces readers to the wide array of tools avail1354005-31-2004
BigPath Flyer: 4 Years of Lies on Iraq. What About Draft?Flyer title: Why would the president tell the truth about the draft? -------------------------------- Flyer Copy/Theme: Why would a president who lied about weapons of mass destruction lied about1354010-19-2004
Ban Sodas at Your SchoolA two-page fact sheet.1350001-14-2003
History of the War MachineEssay on the birth and growth of today's crisis.1348010-02-2005
Peace Poster - No Oil WarBy Daniel Zemalkowski.1347001-31-2007
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Number of results: 568