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U.S. as Fourth Reich?An analysis of why U.S. leaders are pursuing foreign policies that seem calculated to generate hostility against Americans around the world. There is a method in the madness.1334012-07-2002
War on TerrorismAn article that exposes how the "War on Terrorism" is not really that at all, but is rather an effort by corporate and government elites to control ordinary people who want a more equal and democratic1368012-07-2002
Critique of "Facing History"A critique of the "Facing History and Ourseleves" curriculum which shows how this curriculum's main resource text channels students' positive opposition to bigotry into an elitist view of ordinary peo1431012-07-2002
"Facing History" Part IIPart II of the critique of the "Facing History And Ourselves" curriculum, also posted here.1633012-07-2002
"Facing History" Part IIIPart III of the critique of "Facing History And Ourselves" curriculum. (Parts I and II are also posted here.)1501012-07-2002
Iraq War for Democracy???An article about why U.S. leaders have no intention of making Iraq democratic, because they don't even want the U.S. to be democratic.1554012-07-2002
Your Ecological FootprintIntroduces the concept of Ecological Footprint as defined by Wackernagel and Rees. Provides examples of how your footprint impacts our planet. Provides links to additional Ecological Footprint Resourc1503001-01-2003
We are all just one race.The Human Genome Project and associated geneticists have proven there is no such thing as race. This essay explains how white people evolved their pale skin from their black ancestors.1526001-01-2003
GSU Anti-Sweatshop CampaignThis is a sociology MA thesis on the anti-sweatshop campaign at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.2237001-05-2003
Drug companies want your DNAPharmaceutical companies are racing to capture and patent portions of people's DNA so they can reap huge profits from owning the data. Loss of privacy about your DNA may impact your ability to get hir1410001-13-2003
LSU Disorientation Guide 2002Lousiania State University Disorientation Guide from the Spring of 2002.2196004-12-2011
Stanford Disorientation Guide 1996Standford Disorientation Guide from 1996/1997. Learn about what's going on, and what's wrong at Stanford.2070004-12-2011
Columbia Disorientation Guide 2002Columbia University Disorientation Guide 2002-2003. 1904004-12-2011
Duke Disorientation Guide 2002Duke University Disorientation Guide 2002-2003.2173004-12-2011
Earlham Success StoriesStories of activist successes at Earlham College. 7 pages.1611001-14-2003
Sweatshop Movement EssayCombating Sweatshops from the Grassroots. An essay by Robert Ross including analysis of United Students Against Sweatshops. 31 pages.1969001-14-2003
Tree Free Action GuideA guide to getting your school to use tree-free paper. By Rainforest Action Network. 6 pages.1253001-14-2003
Know Your Rights - CanadaA pamphlet for activists in Canada who want to know their rights vis a vis police. By Ontario Public Interest Research Group. 19 pages.3364001-14-2003
The Class of 2000 ReportEnvironmental Education, Practices and Activism on Campus. A long report prepared for the Nathan Cummings Foundation in 1996. 127 pages.1615001-14-2003
Ban Sodas at Your SchoolA two-page fact sheet.1311001-14-2003
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Number of results: 568